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与C#相比,简单循环上的F#代码性能不佳 - 为什么?

[英]Bad F# code performance on simple loop compared to C# - Why?

I was wondering why I get such disparate results between apparently equal algorithms in C# and F#. 我想知道为什么我在C#和F#中显然相同的算法之间得到如此不同的结果。

F# code variants: F#代码变体:

open System
{ 1I..(bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100)) } |> Seq.sum

let mutable sum = 0I
for i in 1I..(bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100)) do
    sum <- sum + i

let sum = ref 0I
for i in 1I..(bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100)) do
    sum := !sum + i

Full F# code (4s): 完整的F#代码(4s):

let main argv = 
    let sw = new Stopwatch()
    printfn "%A" ({ 1I..(bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100)) } |> Seq.sum)
    printfn "took %A" sw.Elapsed
    Console.ReadKey() |> ignore

Full C# code (22s): 完整的C#代码(22s):

static void Main(string[] args)
    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
    BigInteger sum = new BigInteger(0);
    BigInteger max = new BigInteger(Int32.MaxValue / 100);
    for (BigInteger i = new BigInteger(1); i <= max; ++i)
        sum += i;

The F# code takes more than 22s on any of its variants (I assumed different implementations would yield different running times but that doesn't seem to be the case). F#代码在其任何变体上都需要超过22秒(我假设不同的实现会产生不同的运行时间,但似乎并非如此)。 On the other hand, the C# code seems to be way faster. 另一方面,C#代码似乎更快。 Both yield the same final sum result, so I guess the algorithms are equivalent. 两者都产生相同的最终总和结果,所以我猜算法是等价的。 I double checked and the F# code seems to be compiled with the --optimize+ flag. 我仔细检查过,F#代码似乎是用--optimize+标志编译的。

Am I doing something wrong? 难道我做错了什么?

Converting the F# code from 转换F#代码

{ 1I..(bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100)) } |> Seq.sum;;
Real: 00:00:14.014, CPU: 00:00:14.196, GC gen0: 1743, gen1: 0


let mutable t = 1I
let mutable res = 0I
let max = bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100)
while t < max do             
    res <- res + t
    t <- t + 1I;;
Real: 00:00:05.379, CPU: 00:00:05.450, GC gen0: 748, gen1: 0

Approxiamately triples the speed, and is also closer to the original C# code. 接近三倍的速度,也更接近原始的C#代码。

The most likely reason is that both {...} and for i in ... create a dummy seq . 最可能的原因是{...}for i in ...创建了一个虚拟seq By removing this, you avoid the seq overhead. 通过删除它,您可以避免seq开销。


For some reason F# is generating a ridiculous amount of IL for this code, and is using a really weird comparison. 出于某种原因,F#为此代码生成了大量的IL,并使用了一个非常奇怪的比较。

If we explicitly force the comparison, the speed doubles (which is a little ridiculous) 如果我们明确强制比较,速度加倍(这有点荒谬)

This code gets pretty much exactly the same speed as the C# for me (on mono). 对于我来说,这段代码与C#完全相同(单声道)。

let mutable t = 1I
let mutable res = 0I
let max = (bigint (Int32.MaxValue / 100));;
while System.Numerics.BigInteger.op_GreaterThan(max,t) do             
     res <- res + t;t<-System.Numerics.BigInteger.op_Increment(t) 
printfn "%A" res

but is unnecersarrily verbose. 但是不必要地冗长。

I will probably file a compiler bug about this. 我可能会提交一个编译错误。

This is the fastest/shortest functional version I could come up with - it cheats a little by using a sequence of ints. 这是我能想到的最快/最短的功能版本 - 它通过使用一系列int来欺骗一点。 It's roughly as fast as John Palmer's version on Mono. 它大约和John Palmer在Mono上的版本一样快。

{1..(System.Int32.MaxValue/100)} |> Seq.sumBy (fun x -> bigint(x)) |> printfn "%A"

I also made a functional version of what John Palmer did with one exception in that it includes the max value in the sum to match the above sequence based version: 我还制作了John Palmer所做的功能版本,但有一个例外,它包含总和中的最大值以匹配上述基于序列的版本:

let rec sum (cnt:bigint) (acc:bigint) (max:bigint) =
    if bigint.op_LessThanOrEqual(cnt,max) then
        sum (bigint.op_Increment(cnt)) (acc+cnt) max

sum 1I 0I (bigint (System.Int32.MaxValue / 100)) |> printfn "%A" 

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