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[英]Rails query for models having has_many and belongs_to relationship

I am fairly new to rails. 我是Rails的新手。 I have the following models 我有以下型号

class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :options
  has_many :response_parts

class ResponsePart < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :question

The corresponding scaffolds are 相应的脚手架是

rails g scaffold Question qorder:string qtext:text qtype:string

rails g scaffold ResponsePart answer:string question:belongs_to

Now I want all the response parts where qtype is 'mobile'. 现在我想要qtype为'mobile'的所有响应部分。 I have tried a few ways but could not query successfully. 我尝试了几种方法,但无法成功查询。 Can someone tell a way to make such query. 有人可以说出进行这种查询的方法。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Try: 尝试:

Question.where(qtype: 'mobile').collect(&:response_parts)

This will give you all the response_parts for all the questions with qtype = 'mobile' 这将为您提供所有带有qtype = 'mobile'questions所有response_parts

Update: (Avoiding N+1 queries) 更新:(避免N + 1个查询)

Question.where(qtype: 'mobile').collect(&:response_parts)

This will execute a select query on each response_parts for each question leading to the "N+1" queries. 这将对每个导致“ N + 1”个查询的question每个response_parts执行一个选择查询。

In order to avoid "N+1 queries" ie one Query to retrieve question and n queries to retrieve resposne_parts , you can add includes(:join_relation) (where :join_relation is response_parts in your case) as follows: 为了避免“ N + 1个查询”,即一个查询来检索问题, n查询来检索resposne_parts ,您可以添加includes(:join_relation) (其中:join_relation在您的情况下是response_parts ),如下所示:

Question.includes(:response_parts).where(qtype: 'mobile').collect(&:response_parts)


Question.where(qtype: "mobile").first.response_parts

You can include the relation between the two model and add a constraint on it: 您可以包括两个模型之间的关系并对其添加约束:

ResponsePart.includes(:question).where(questions: { qtype: 'mobile' })

This will retrieve all the ResponsePart objects from the DB having a question which match " qtype == 'mobile' " 这将从数据库中检索出所有与“ qtype == 'mobile' “匹配的问题的ResponsePart对象。

This is also the most efficient way to retrieve these records. 这也是检索这些记录的最有效方法。

Question.where(qtype: 'mobile').collect(&:response_parts)

This will query the DB to get the corresponding response_parts of each question having " qtype == 'mobile' " Example: If you have 6 questions with " qtype == 'mobile' ", it will create 6 SQL queries for each Question. 这将查询数据库,以获取每个具有“ qtype == 'mobile' “的问题的相应response_parts 示例:如果您有6个带有” qtype == 'mobile' “的问题,它将为每个Question创建6个SQL查询。

Question.where(qtype: "mobile").first.response_parts

This just retrieves the ResponsePart objects related to the first question matching the condition " qtype == 'mobile' " 这只是检索与第一个与条件“ qtype == 'mobile' “相匹配的问题有关的ResponsePart对象

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