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[英]How to Create .htaccess rewrite rule ignoring authentication requests

I am running cpanel with apache 2.2.25 and have the following site custom configuration setup 我正在使用Apache 2.2.25运行cpanel,并具有以下站点自定义配置设置

WSGIScriptAlias /trac /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi

<Directory /usr/share/trac>
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

<Location "/trac/login">
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Trac"
  AuthUserFile /home/[user]/public_svn/conf/htpasswd
  Require valid-user

I have tried the following .htaccess configuration, and others, but the authentication prompt is not displaying when I go to www.mydomain.com/trac/login , instead it is redirecting to index.php . 我尝试了以下.htaccess配置以及其他配置,但是当我转到www.mydomain.com/trac/login ,身份验证提示未显示,而是重定向到index.php

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteBase /
     RewriteRule ^svn - [L,NC]
     RewriteRule ^trac - [L,NC]
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]

Is there a way to create .htaccess rewrite condition to skip authentication requests? 有没有一种方法可以创建.htaccess重写条件以跳过身份验证请求?

This is a solution that works, but I don't know why. 这是一个可行的解决方案,但我不知道为什么。 I added the following to the beginning of the index.php file. 我在index.php文件的开头添加了以下内容。


if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0,4) == '/svn') {

if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0,5) == '/trac') {


If anyone knows why this works I'd love to know! 如果有人知道为什么这样有效,我很想知道!

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