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特征库 --&gt; 用来自文件或现有 std::vector 的数据初始化矩阵<string>内容 (c++)

[英]Eigen library --> initialize matrix with data from file or existing std::vector<string> content (c++)

My question is how to initialize an eigen Matrix, but NOT this way:我的问题是如何初始化特征矩阵,但不是这样:

matrix << 1,0,1,0,

I have a Matrix that looks like the above one ( commas or no commas doesnt matter) stored in a txt file.我有一个存储在 txt 文件中的矩阵,它看起来像上面的矩阵(逗号或没有逗号无关紧要)。

I already wrote a function to read in each line and put it into a vector now I want to create a matrix with this data我已经编写了一个函数来读取每一行并将其放入一个向量中,现在我想用这些数据创建一个矩阵

But it doesn' work and I cant find any page that explains how to assign data to a matrix without writing just the values.(like the example above)但它不起作用,我找不到任何解释如何将数据分配给矩阵而不只写值的页面。(如上面的例子)

All I need is the data from my file in an eigen Matrix我所需要的只是本征矩阵中我的文件中的数据

What I tried so far: (PS: had the idea with the iterators but i guess it will take too long with really big matrices, I just tried this example with a 1-2 dimensional matrix)到目前为止我尝试过的:(PS:有迭代器的想法,但我想对于非常大的矩阵会花费太长时间,我只是用 1-2 维矩阵尝试了这个例子)

int readFromFile (const char * path, vector <string> & mv)
    fstream file;
    string line;

    while (getline(file,line))
    return 0;

typedef Matrix <int, 1, 2> MyMatrix;

int fromVectoEigen (vector<string> & source, MyMatrix & target)
{   //for (int i = source.size(); i<0 ; i--)

        string valuerow = source.back();
        string::iterator it = valuerow.begin();
        target.row(0)<< *it;

    return 0;

Unfortunately cant just say Matrix.row(i) = vector.back() that doesnt work.不幸的是,不能只说Matrix.row(i) = vector.back()不起作用。

The following code works with files containing matrices of arbitrary size:以下代码适用于包含任意大小矩阵的文件:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <Eigen/Dense>

using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

#define MAXBUFSIZE  ((int) 1e6)

MatrixXd readMatrix(const char *filename)
    int cols = 0, rows = 0;
    double buff[MAXBUFSIZE];

    // Read numbers from file into buffer.
    ifstream infile;
    while (! infile.eof())
        string line;
        getline(infile, line);

        int temp_cols = 0;
        stringstream stream(line);
        while(! stream.eof())
            stream >> buff[cols*rows+temp_cols++];

        if (temp_cols == 0)

        if (cols == 0)
            cols = temp_cols;




    // Populate matrix with numbers.
    MatrixXd result(rows,cols);
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
            result(i,j) = buff[ cols*i+j ];

    return result;


I just released an extension of the Eigen package that does some of what you want.我刚刚发布了一个 Eigen 包的扩展,它可以做一些你想要的。 It defines the >> operator, so you can say:它定义了 >> 运算符,因此您可以说:

MatrixXd A(5,5);矩阵Xd A(5,5); cin >> A; cin >> A;

It also lets you assign a VectorXd to equal a std::vector.它还允许您将 VectorXd 分配为等于 std::vector。 The extended version of Eigen can be found here .可以在此处找到 Eigen 的扩展版本。 However, it doesn't (yet) let you copy a std::vector into a MatrixXd object that isn't a vector.但是,它(还)不允许您将 std::vector 复制到不是矢量的 MatrixXd 对象中。 The functionality you want is the Map function in Eigen.您想要的功能是 Eigen 中的 Map 函数。

I think I found a solution!我想我找到了解决方案! Its not fast or efficient but it works:它不快也不高效,但它有效:

#include "topo.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

/**Read data from File and store it in vector as string**/
int readFromFile (const char * path, vector <string> & mv) // muss vector vorher resized werden? wenn ja lese zeilenanzahl
    fstream file;
    string line;

    while (getline(file,line)) // lese zeile für zeile
        mv.push_back(line); //fülle vector von hinten last in first
    return 0;

typedef Matrix <int, 4, 4> MyMatrix; // Matrix später dynamisch

/**Parsing data to be used as Eigen Matrix**/
int fromVectoEigen (vector<string> & source, MyMatrix & target)
{   /**convert string to int and write it to the two dimensional array **/
    int array [4][4]; // noch resize nach vectorsize -->matrizen sind quadratisch
    int i = source.size();
    for ( i= i-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) // da nur von hintern auf vector zugreifbar auch von hinten bei array anfangen
        string myString = source.back(); // leztzes Element von Vector als String
        stringstream ssin(myString);
        int j = 0;
        while (ssin.good() && j < 4) // auch hier vectorsize später dynamisch
            ssin >> array[j][i]; // fülle spalten in i.ter zeile

        source.pop_back(); //lösche letztes element

//        cout<<array[0][0]<<array[1][0]<<array[2][0]<<array[3][0]<<'\n';
//        cout<<array[0][1]<<array[1][1]<<array[2][1]<<array[3][1]<<'\n';
//        cout<<array[0][2]<<array[1][2]<<array[2][2]<<array[3][2]<<'\n';
//        cout<<array[0][3]<<array[1][3]<<array[2][3]<<array[3][3]<<'\n';
    /** from 2 dimensional array to one dimensional array**/
    int newarray [16]; // vectorsize * vectorsize
    int k = 0;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i< 4 ; i++) // vectorsize
    {   for (int j = 0 ; j<4; j++) // vectorsize

    /**create Eigen Matrix from Array**/
    target= Map<Matrix4i>(newarray);

return 0 ;

I used element-wise initialization (assuming we know nrows and ncols):我使用了逐元素初始化(假设我们知道 nrows 和 ncols):

MatrixXf X = MatrixXf::Zero(nrows,ncols);
ifstream fin ("./data.txt");

if (fin.is_open())
    for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
        for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
            float item = 0.0;
            fin >> item;
            X(row, col) = item;
cout << "X = " << endl << X << endl;

A variation using only Eigen::Map for mapping data from std::vector, based on examples from https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TutorialMapClass.html基于https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TutorialMapClass.html 的示例,仅使用 Eigen::Map 映射来自 std::vector 的数据的变体

#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense>

std::vector<double> myStdVector;

// Insert code for filling myStdVector here
// ....

// Detect or set number of rows/columns
size_t numRows = 3;
size_t numCols = 7;

typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> Mapper;
Mapper myMatrix(&myStdVector.data()[0], numRows, numCols);

Here is my solution:这是我的解决方案:

#include <istream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <eigen>

using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

// load matrix from an ascii text file.
vector<vector<double>> LoadMatrix(istream* filePath, const string &delim = " \t")
    string line;
    string strnum;

    auto data = vector<vector<double>>();

    // clear first

    // parse line by line
    while (getline(*filePath, line))

        for (string::const_iterator i = line.begin(); i != line.end(); ++i)
            // If i is not a delim, then append it to strnum
            if (delim.find(*i) == string::npos)
                strnum += *i;
                if (i + 1 != line.end()) // If it's the last char, do not continue

            // if strnum is still empty, it means the previous char is also a
            // delim (several delims appear together). Ignore this char.
            if (strnum.empty())

            // If we reach here, we got a number. Convert it to double.
            double       number;

            istringstream(strnum) >> number;

    return data;

Eigen::MatrixXd ConvertToEigenMatrix(std::vector<std::vector<double>> data)
    Eigen::MatrixXd eMatrix(data.size(), data[0].size());
    for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
        eMatrix.row(i) = Eigen::VectorXd::Map(&data[i][0], data[0].size());
    return eMatrix;
MatrixXd LoadEigenMatrix(istream* filePath, const string &delim = " \t")
    auto data = LoadMatrix(filePath, delim);
    return ConvertToEigenMatrix(data);

I used iterators to collect the data in a vector and then initialize the matrix.我使用迭代器收集向量中的数据,然后初始化矩阵。 The conversion to the vector<double> seem to be the time-consuming part of the method, which approximately has the same speed as the solutions above.转换为vector<double>似乎是该方法的耗时部分,其速度与上述解决方案大致相同。 Ideas on how to improve this would be interesting.关于如何改进这一点的想法会很有趣。

template <class T>
using Tmat = Eigen::Matrix<T,Dynamic,Dynamic>;

Tmat<double> txt_to_mat(std::string path, int rows, int cols)
    std::ifstream fstr(path.c_str());
    std::vector<double> data_vec = std::vector<double>{

    Tmat<double> mat(rows, cols);
    for(int i=0; i<rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<cols; j++){
            mat(i,j) = data_vec[i*cols + j];

    return mat;

A templated stream operator can be used for reading all Eigen dense matrix types from a stream:模板化流运算符可用于从流中读取所有特征密集矩阵类型:

#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <fstream>

template <typename Derived>
std::ifstream& operator>>(std::ifstream& in, Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& b)
  for(int row = 0; row < b.rows(); ++row)
    for(int col = 0; col < b.cols(); ++col)
      in >> b(row, col);

  return in;

This will instantiate for any of Eigen's dense matrix types .这将为任何 Eigen 的密集矩阵类型实例化 Here's an example reading camera intrinsics and extrinsics from a file for Eigen::Matrix3d and Eigen::Vector3d using the above templated stream operator:这是使用上述模板化流运算符从Eigen::Matrix3dEigen::Vector3d文件中读取相机内在和外在的示例:

std::ifstream input(krtPath);

Eigen::Matrix3d K, R;
Eigen::Vector3d t;

input >> K >> R >> t;

Eigen::Vector3d C = -R.transpose() * t;

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