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[英]How to create a rope in SpriteKit?

I want to create a rope like the one that is shown in this video . 我想创建一个类似于此视频中显示的绳索。 What is the best way to develop a rope like this? 像这样开发绳索的最佳方法是什么?

I've already tried to start and I think the best way to do it, is to make many little "rope"-parts and connect them with a pin joint (is that really the best one?!?). 我已经尝试开始,我认为最好的方法是制作许多小“绳子” - 并用针接头连接它们(这真的是最好的吗?!?)。 But I didn't know how to start. 但我不知道如何开始。

Maybe someone can give me some example code for that.. THX :) 也许有人可以给我一些示例代码.. THX :)

I am the author of that video. 我是该视频的作者。 Because of the big demand for the source code I have released it on the Github. 由于对源代码的巨大需求,我已经在Github上发布了它。

You can find it here 你可以在这里找到它

I've also done a rope with single parts connected with PinJoints. 我还做了一条绳子,单个部件与PinJoints相连。 I think it's the only way to display a "rope". 我认为这是展示“绳索”的唯一方式。 I think in the video it's the same, you can see the single chain links. 我认为在视频中它是相同的,你可以看到单链链接。 You don't even need so much jointed elements, just let the sprite overlap a bit the physics body to make it look very real. 你甚至不需要那么多的连接元素,只需让精灵重叠一下物理体就可以让它看起来很真实。 Heres my example method... just replace the image names n stuff... 继承我的示例方法......只需替换图像名称n ...

+(void) addRopeJointItems:(CGPoint)leftStartPosition
     int itemJointWidth = 25;

     //Left Physics Anchor
     SKSpriteNode * leftAnchor = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"dummypixel_transparent.png"];
     leftAnchor.position = CGPointMake(leftStartPosition.x, leftStartPosition.y);
     leftAnchor.size = CGSizeMake(1, 1);
     leftAnchor.zPosition = 2;
     leftAnchor.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody
     leftAnchor.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = false;
     leftAnchor.physicsBody.mass = 99999999999;
     [game addChild:leftAnchor];

     //add RopeElements
     for (int i=0; i<countJointElements; i++) 
           SKSpriteNode * item = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"suspensionrope.png"];
           item.name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ropeitem_%d", i];
           item.position = CGPointMake(leftStartPosition.x + (i*itemJointWidth) + itemJointWidth/2, leftStartPosition.y+60);
           item.size = CGSizeMake(itemJointWidth + 5, 5);
           item.zPosition = 2;
           item.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody
           item.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = kNilOptions;
           [game addChild:item];

         //Add Joint to the element before
           SKPhysicsBody* bodyA;
           if (i == 0) 
               bodyA = leftAnchor.physicsBody;
               bodyA = [game childNodeWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ropeitem_%d", i-1]].physicsBody;

           SKPhysicsJointPin* joint = [SKPhysicsJointPin jointWithBodyA:bodyA bodyB:item.physicsBody anchor:CGPointMake((item.position.x - item.size.width/2) + 5, item.position.y)];
          [game.physicsWorld addJoint:joint];

    //Right Physics Anchor
    SKSpriteNode * rightAnchor = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"dummypixel_transparent.png"];
    rightAnchor.position = CGPointMake((leftStartPosition.x + (countJointElements*itemJointWidth)),
    rightAnchor.size = CGSizeMake(1, 1);
    rightAnchor.zPosition = 2;
    rightAnchor.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody
    rightAnchor.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = false;
    rightAnchor.physicsBody.mass = 99999999999;
    [game addChild:rightAnchor];

    //Add the Last Joint
    SKPhysicsJointPin* jointLast = [SKPhysicsJointPin jointWithBodyA:[game childNodeWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ropeitem_%d", countJointElements - 1]].physicsBody
    [game.physicsWorld addJoint:jointLast];

in swift 在迅速

 func addRopeJointItems(leftStartPosition: CGPoint, numOfJoints countJointElements:Int, andScene game:SKScene ){

    var itemJointWidth = 25

    var leftAnchor = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "rope_ring.png")
    leftAnchor.position = CGPointMake(leftStartPosition.x, leftStartPosition.y)
    leftAnchor.size = CGSizeMake(1, 1);
    leftAnchor.zPosition = 2;
    leftAnchor.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: leftAnchor.size)
    leftAnchor.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
    leftAnchor.physicsBody?.mass = 999999999;

   for index in 0...countJointElements {

    var item = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "rope_ring.png")
    item.name = "ropeitem_" + String(index)

    item.position = CGPointMake(leftStartPosition.x + CGFloat((index * itemJointWidth)) + CGFloat(itemJointWidth / 2) , leftStartPosition.y + 60)

    item.size = CGSizeMake(CGFloat(itemJointWidth + 5), 5);
    item.zPosition = 2;

    item.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: item.size)
    item.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = 0;

    var bodyA = SKPhysicsBody()

    if (index == 0)
        bodyA = leftAnchor.physicsBody!;

        var nameString = "ropeitem_" + String(index - 1)

        var node = game.childNodeWithName(nameString) as SKSpriteNode
        bodyA = node.physicsBody!


    var joint = SKPhysicsJointPin.jointWithBodyA(bodyA, bodyB: item.physicsBody, anchor: CGPointMake((item.position.x - item.size.width/2) + 5, item.position.y))



    var rightAnchor = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "rope_ring.png")
    rightAnchor.position = CGPointMake(leftStartPosition.x + CGFloat((countJointElements * itemJointWidth)), CGFloat(leftStartPosition.y + 60))
    rightAnchor.size = CGSizeMake(1, 1);
    rightAnchor.zPosition = 2;
    rightAnchor.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: rightAnchor.size)
    rightAnchor.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
    rightAnchor.physicsBody?.mass = 999999999;

      var nameString = NSString(format: "ropeitem_%d", countJointElements - 1)

    var node = game.childNodeWithName(nameString)

      var jointLast = SKPhysicsJointPin.jointWithBodyA(node!.physicsBody!, bodyB: rightAnchor.physicsBody, anchor: rightAnchor.position)



I just released my own rope version inspired by mraty's but with a workaround for the elastic effect "bug". 我刚刚发布了自己的绳索版本,灵感来自mraty's,但有弹性效果“bug”的解决方法。

Here's my rope interface: 这是我的绳索界面:

#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>

@interface ALRope : NSObject

@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *ropeRings;

@property(nonatomic) int ringCount;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat ringScale;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat ringsDistance;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat jointsFrictionTorque;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat ringsZPosition;

@property(nonatomic) CGPoint startRingPosition;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat ringFriction;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat ringRestitution;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat ringMass;

@property(nonatomic) BOOL shouldEnableJointsAngleLimits;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat jointsLowerAngleLimit;

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat jointsUpperAngleLimit;

-(instancetype)initWithRingTexture:(SKTexture *)ringTexture;

-(void)buildRopeWithScene:(SKScene *)scene;


-(SKSpriteNode *)startRing;

-(SKSpriteNode *)lastRing;


Implementation code: 实施代码:

#import "ALRope.h"

@implementation ALRope

    SKTexture *_ringTexture;

    NSMutableArray *_ropeRings;

static CGFloat const RINGS_DISTANCE_DEFAULT = 0;


static CGFloat const RING_SCALE_DEFAULT = 1;

static int const RING_COUNT_DEFAULT = 30;

static CGFloat const RINGS_Z_POSITION_DEFAULT = 1;




static CGFloat const RING_FRICTION_DEFAULT = 0;

static CGFloat const RING_RESTITUTION_DEFAULT = 0;

static CGFloat const RING_MASS_DEFAULT = -1;

-(instancetype)initWithRingTexture:(SKTexture *)ringTexture
    if(self = [super init]) {
        _ringTexture = ringTexture;

        //apply defaults
        _startRingPosition = CGPointMake(0, 0);
        _ringsDistance = RINGS_DISTANCE_DEFAULT;
        _jointsFrictionTorque = JOINTS_FRICTION_TORQUE_DEFAULT;
        _ringScale = RING_SCALE_DEFAULT;
        _ringCount = RING_COUNT_DEFAULT;
        _ringsZPosition = RINGS_Z_POSITION_DEFAULT;
        _shouldEnableJointsAngleLimits = SHOULD_ENABLE_JOINTS_ANGLE_LIMITS_DEFAULT;
        _jointsLowerAngleLimit = JOINT_LOWER_ANGLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT;
        _jointsUpperAngleLimit = JOINT_UPPER_ANGLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT;
        _ringFriction = RING_FRICTION_DEFAULT;
        _ringRestitution = RING_RESTITUTION_DEFAULT;
        _ringMass = RING_MASS_DEFAULT;
    return self;

-(void)buildRopeWithScene:(SKScene *)scene
    _ropeRings = [NSMutableArray new];
    SKSpriteNode *firstRing = [self addRopeRingWithPosition:_startRingPosition underScene:scene];

    SKSpriteNode *lastRing = firstRing;
    CGPoint position;
    for (int i = 1; i < _ringCount; i++) {
        position = CGPointMake(lastRing.position.x, lastRing.position.y - lastRing.size.height - _ringsDistance);
        lastRing = [self addRopeRingWithPosition:position underScene:scene];

    [self addJointsWithScene:scene];

-(SKSpriteNode *)addRopeRingWithPosition:(CGPoint)position underScene:(SKScene *)scene
    SKSpriteNode *ring = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:_ringTexture];
    ring.xScale = ring.yScale = _ringScale;
    ring.position = position;
    ring.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius:ring.size.height / 2];
    ring.physicsBody.allowsRotation = YES;
    ring.physicsBody.friction = _ringFriction;
    ring.physicsBody.restitution = _ringRestitution;
    if(_ringMass > 0) {
        ring.physicsBody.mass = _ringMass;

    [scene addChild:ring];
    [_ropeRings addObject:ring];
    return ring;

-(void)addJointsWithScene:(SKScene *)scene
    for (int i = 1; i < _ropeRings.count; i++) {
        SKSpriteNode *nodeA = [_ropeRings objectAtIndex:i-1];
        SKSpriteNode *nodeB = [_ropeRings objectAtIndex:i];
        SKPhysicsJointPin *joint = [SKPhysicsJointPin jointWithBodyA:nodeA.physicsBody
                                                                                 nodeA.position.y - (nodeA.size.height + _ringsDistance) / 2)];
        joint.frictionTorque = _jointsFrictionTorque;
        joint.shouldEnableLimits = _shouldEnableJointsAngleLimits;
        if(_shouldEnableJointsAngleLimits) {
            joint.lowerAngleLimit = _jointsLowerAngleLimit;
            joint.upperAngleLimit = _jointsUpperAngleLimit;
        [scene.physicsWorld addJoint:joint];

//workaround for elastic effect should be called from didSimulatePhysics
    //based on zRotations of all rings and the position of start ring adjust the rest of the rings positions starting from top to bottom
    for (int i = 1; i < _ropeRings.count; i++) {
        SKSpriteNode *nodeA = [_ropeRings objectAtIndex:i-1];
        SKSpriteNode *nodeB = [_ropeRings objectAtIndex:i];
        CGFloat thetaA = nodeA.zRotation - M_PI / 2,
        thetaB = nodeB.zRotation + M_PI / 2,
        jointRadius = (_ringsDistance + nodeA.size.height) / 2,
        xJoint = jointRadius * cosf(thetaA) + nodeA.position.x,
        yJoint = jointRadius * sinf(thetaA) + nodeA.position.y,
        theta = thetaB - M_PI,
        xB = jointRadius * cosf(theta) + xJoint,
        yB = jointRadius * sinf(theta) + yJoint;
        nodeB.position = CGPointMake(xB, yB);

-(SKSpriteNode *)startRing
    return _ropeRings[0];

-(SKSpriteNode *)lastRing
    return [_ropeRings lastObject];


Scene Code: 场景代码:

#import "ALRopeDemoScene.h"
#import "ALRope.h"

@implementation ALRopeDemoScene
    __weak SKSpriteNode *_branch;

    CGPoint _touchLastPosition;

    BOOL _branchIsMoving;

    ALRope *_rope;

-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
    if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
        /* Setup your scene here */

        self.backgroundColor = [SKColor colorWithRed:0.2 green:0.5 blue:0.6 alpha:1.0];

        [self buildScene];
    return self;

-(void) buildScene {
    SKSpriteNode *branch = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"Branch"];
    _branch = branch;
    branch.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.frame) - branch.size.width / 2,
                                  CGRectGetMidY(self.frame) + 200);
    branch.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:CGSizeMake(2, 10)];
    branch.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;
    [self addChild:branch];
    _rope = [[ALRope alloc] initWithRingTexture:[SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:@"rope_ring"]];

    //configure rope params if needed
    //    _rope.ringCount = ...;//default is 30
    //    _rope.ringScale = ...;//default is 1
    //    _rope.ringsDistance = ...;//default is 0
    //    _rope.jointsFrictionTorque = ...;//default is 0
    //    _rope.ringsZPosition = ...;//default is 1
    //    _rope.ringFriction = ...;//default is 0
    //    _rope.ringRestitution = ...;//default is 0
    //    _rope.ringMass = ...;//ignored unless mass > 0; default -1
    //    _rope.shouldEnableJointsAngleLimits = ...;//default is NO
    //    _rope.jointsLowerAngleLimit = ...;//default is -M_PI/3
    //    _rope.jointsUpperAngleLimit = ...;//default is M_PI/3

    _rope.startRingPosition = CGPointMake(branch.position.x - 100, branch.position.y);//default is (0, 0)

    [_rope buildRopeWithScene:self];

    //attach rope to branch
    SKSpriteNode *startRing = [_rope startRing];
    CGPoint jointAnchor = CGPointMake(startRing.position.x, startRing.position.y + startRing.size.height / 2);
    SKPhysicsJointPin *joint = [SKPhysicsJointPin jointWithBodyA:branch.physicsBody bodyB:startRing.physicsBody anchor:jointAnchor];
    [self.physicsWorld addJoint:joint];

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
    if(CGRectContainsPoint(_branch.frame, location)) {
        _branchIsMoving = YES;
        _touchLastPosition = location;

-(void) touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    _branchIsMoving = NO;


-(void) touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{

    if(_branchIsMoving) {
        UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
        CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self],
        branchCurrentPosition = _branch.position;
        CGFloat dx = location.x - _touchLastPosition.x,
        dy = location.y - _touchLastPosition.y;
        _branch.position = CGPointMake(branchCurrentPosition.x + dx, branchCurrentPosition.y + dy);
        _touchLastPosition = location;

    //workaround for elastic effect
    [_rope adjustRingPositions];


Notice the [rope adjustRingPositions] call from [scene didSimulatePhysics]. 注意来自[scene didSimulatePhysics]的[rope adjustRingPositions]调用。 That is my actual fix for the elastic bug. 这是我对弹性bug的实际修复。

Complete demo code is here 完整的演示代码在这里

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