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[英]daemonUser for upstart not working in sbt-native-packager

I'm using the sbt-native-packager to create a .deb package including all libraries. 我正在使用sbt-native-packager创建一个包含所有库的.deb包。 The generated upstart-script is using the root user which I obviously want to avoid. 生成的upstart脚本正在使用我明显想要避免的root用户。

I found a hint in the code that there is a daemonUser sbt-setting defined but i cannot set it for my debian packaging. 我在代码中发现了一个提示,它定义了一个daemonUser sbt-setting但是我无法为我的debian包装设置它。

import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.archetypes._
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
import NativePackagerKeys._

JavaServerAppPackaging.settings ++ packageArchetype.java_server ++ Seq(
        packageSummary := "app",
        packageDescription := "app",
        maintainer := orgName,
        daemonUser in Debian := "ubuntu",
        debianPackageDependencies in Debian ++= Seq())

the compile error is: not found: value daemonUser 编译错误是: not found: value daemonUser

any suggestion how to set the user for the upstart script? 任何建议如何为upstart脚本设置用户?

thanks 谢谢

The feature to set a daemonUser is simply not published yet. 设置daemonUser的功能尚未发布。

The IVY file of the current released version shows that it was released on 2013/11/16 whereas the change is from 2013/11/21. 当前发布版本的IVY文件显示它于2013/11/16发布,而更改时间为2013/11/21。

Update: There is a release candidate with more Debian support: https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager/releases/tag/v0.7.0-M1 更新:有一个具有更多Debian支持的候选版本: https//github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager/releases/tag/v0.7.0-M1

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