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发布由 sbt-native-packager 创建的 zip

[英]Publish zip created by sbt-native-packager

I am trying to publish to a repository the zip file generated by the sbt-native-packager plugin through universal:packageBin task.我正在尝试将sbt-native-packager插件通过Universal:packageBin任务生成的 zip 文件发布到存储库。

I configured my project like this:我这样配置我的项目:

publishTo := Some("Repo" at "http://repo")

publishMavenStyle := true



I am struggling trying to create a new sbt task (named publishZip) using publish task and packageBin task to publish the zip file.我正在努力尝试使用发布任务和 packageBin 任务来创建一个新的 sbt 任务(名为 publishZip)来发布 zip 文件。 How can I achieve this ?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Add the following line to your sbt build (around packagerSettings should be fine)将以下行添加到您的 sbt 构建中(在 packagerSettings 周围应该没问题)


Depending on what you want to do you may not need to define the publishZip task you could run根据您想要执行的操作,您可能不需要定义可以运行的 publishZip 任务

  • sbt universal:publish which should only publish the zip sbt universal:publish应该只发布 zip
  • redefine publish so it depends on universal:publish which would publish all the projects artifacts publish <<= publish.dependsOn(publish in config("universal"))重新定义发布,因此它取决于通用:发布,它将发布所有项目工件publish <<= publish.dependsOn(publish in config("universal"))

Then run sbt publish.然后运行 ​​sbt 发布。

For completeness sake deploymentSettings (and packagerSettings ) come from com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager which is useful to know if you use a scala build :)为了完整起见, deploymentSettings (和packagerSettings )来自com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager这对于了解您是否使用 scala 构建很有用:)

The deploymentSettings worked however I wanted to refine the settings. deploymentSettings有效,但我想优化设置。 It seems there were several issues going on.似乎有几个问题正在发生。 I and finally came up with the following solution:我终于想出了以下解决方案:

//--use sbt-native-packager default java application 

//--a dummy task to hold the result of the universal:packageBin to stop the circular dependency issue
val packageZip = taskKey[File]("package-zip")

//--hard coded result of "universal:packageBin"
packageZip := (baseDirectory in Compile).value / "target" / "universal" / (name.value + "-" + version.value + ".zip")

//--label the zip artifact as a zip instead of the default jar
artifact in (Universal, packageZip) ~= { (art:Artifact) => art.copy(`type` = "zip", extension = "zip") }

//--add the artifact so it is included in the publishing tasks
addArtifact(artifact in (Universal, packageZip), packageZip in Universal)

//--make sure the zip gets made before the publishing commands for the added artifacts
publish := (publish dependsOn (packageBin in Universal)).value

publishM2 := (publishM2 dependsOn (packageBin in Universal)).value

publishLocal := (publishLocal dependsOn (packageBin in Universal)).value

The key pieces of this solution came from a comment from yanns and dgrandes此解决方案的关键部分来自 yannsdgrandes评论

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