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[英]opencv: Convert Mat to IplImage Issue

In my program I have to mix the c++ and c api a bit. 在我的程序中,我必须混合使用c ++和c api。

I capture an image with the c api and get one frame: 我使用c api捕获图像并获得一帧:

CvCapture* capture = 0; 
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);

// some code

IplImage* image = cvQueryFrame(capture);

Then it is converted to Mat to be compatible with the new c++ api and I get a ROI: 然后它被转换为Mat以与新的c ++ api兼容,我获得了投资回报率:

Mat captureFrame = cvarrToMat(image);

// some code

Mat roi = captureFrame(roiRect);

At the end I have to convert the Mat back to IplImage* to work with the c api: 最后,我必须将Mat转换回IplImage *以使用c api:

IplImage imgCaptureFrame = roi;

when I use this as reference &roi I get a 当我用这个作为参考和roi我得到一个

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (svec[j].size == dst.size && svec[j].depth() == d
st.depth() && svec[j].channels() == 1 && i < dst.channels()) in unknown function
, file C:\slave\builds\WinInstallerMegaPack\src\opencv\modules\core\src\convert.
cpp, line 1306

in code using c api. 在使用c api的代码中。

When I just use 我刚刚使用的时候

IplImage imgCaptureFrame = captureFrame;

instead of 代替

IplImage imgCaptureFrame = roi;

there isn't any error but then I don't have my roi. 没有任何错误,但我没有我的roi。

What can I do to convert my roi to use it in c api? 我该怎么做才能转换我的roi在c api中使用它?

To convert an IplImage* to cv::Mat and make an independent copy, do: 要将IplImage*转换为cv::Mat并制作独立副本,请执行以下操作:

cv::Mat captureFrame = cv::Mat(image, true);

To create a ROI for captureFrame you could do something like: 要为captureFrame创建ROI,您可以执行以下操作:

cv::Rect roi;
roi.x = 165;
roi.y = 50;
roi.width = 440;
roi.height = 80;

cv::Mat cropped = new cv::Mat(captureFrame, roi);

and finally, to do the conversion the other way: 最后,以另一种方式进行转换:

IplImage imgCaptureFrame = cropped;

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