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应用商店内包含应用商店内购内容的购买。 订阅的工作方式

[英]In-App-Purchases with App Store Hosted Content. How Subscription works

With App Store Hosted Content I can download my purchases (magazine issues in this case) with method [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] startDownloads:array where array are SKDownload objects that I retrive from SKPaymentTransaction object to which I have access after user make purchase or after I restore previously completed purchases. 随着App Store的托管内容,我可以用的方法[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] startDownloads下载我的购买(杂志问题,在这种情况下):数组 ,其中数组是我从SKPaymentTransaction对象retrive SKDownload对象,而我有机会之后用户做出购买或之后我恢复先前完成的购买。 Now in my app I have auto-renewable subscription, normally if I would have content on my backend server I would just check if user purchased subscription and then let him download content. 现在在我的应用程序中,我具有自动可更新的订阅,通常,如果我在后端服务器上有内容,我将只检查用户是否购买了订阅,然后让他下载内容。 How should I implement it in scenerio where content is hosted on Apple Store, and only way (that I know) to download it is to use method I mentioned above. 我应该如何在将内容存储在Apple Store上的Scenerio中实现它,并且(我知道)下载它的唯一方法是使用我上面提到的方法。

Ok I found in this guidline 好的,我在此指南中找到了

http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/platform_features/introduction_to_ios_6/changes_to_storekit/ http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/platform_features/introduction_to_ios_6/changes_to_storekit/

that In-App Purchase Hosted Content doesn't support subscriptions and not consumable products. 应用内购买托管内容不支持订阅,也不支持消耗性产品。 Not cool if you ask me :) 如果你问我,那不酷:)

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