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我的C ++文件中是否可能发生内存泄漏?

[英]Is there a possible memory leak in my C++ file?

I'm using an example code given to me by another C++ coder for a project. 我正在使用另一个C ++编码器为项目提供的示例代码。 I'm a new student of C++ language and I wondered is there a possible memory leak / bugs in this class file given to me (PlacementHead.cpp): 我是C ++语言的新学员,我想知道在给我(PlacementHead.cpp)的此类文件中是否可能发生内存泄漏/错误:

#include "PlacementHead.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

PlacementHead::PlacementHead(int width, int height, int gap, char* s) {
    width_ = width;
    height_ = height;
    gap_ = gap;
    size_ = (width*height)+1;
    set_ = new char[size_ + 1];
    from_ = new int[size_ + 1];
    original_ = new char[size_ + 1];

PlacementHead::~PlacementHead() {


int PlacementHead::getSize() { return size_; }
int PlacementHead::getHeight() { return height_; }
int PlacementHead::getWidth() { return width_; }
int PlacementHead::getGap() { return gap_; }

// Palauttaa indeksissä i olevan suuttimen
char PlacementHead::getNozzle(int i) {
    return set_[i-1];

// Asettaa indeksissä i olevan suuttimen
void PlacementHead::setNozzle(int i, char c) {
    set_[i-1] = c;

// Merkitsee suuttimen poimituksi poistamalla sen listasta
void PlacementHead::markNozzle(int i, int bankPos) {
    set_[i-1] = ' ';
    from_[i-1] = bankPos;

// Palauttaa seuraavan poimimattoman suuttimen indeksin
int PlacementHead::getNextUnmarkedPos() {
    for (int i=0; i<size_; i++) {
        if (set_[i]!=' ') {
            return i+1;
    return 0;

// Palauttaa suuttimen alkuperäisen sijainnin pankissa
int PlacementHead::getBankPos(int i) {
    return from_[i-1];

// Plauttaa alkuperäisen ladontapaan suutinjärjestyksen
void PlacementHead::reset() {
    //for (int i=0; i<size_; i++) {
    //  set_[i] = original_[i];

// Tulostusmetodi
void PlacementHead::print() {
    std::cout << "ladontapaa:\n";
    for (int h=height_; h>0; h--) {
        for (int w=width_; w>0; w--) {
            int i = ((h-1)*width_)+w;
            std::cout << getNozzle(i);
        std::cout << "\n";

PlacementHead.h: PlacementHead.h:


class PlacementHead {
        PlacementHead(int size, int rows, int gap, char* s);
        int getSize();
        int getHeight();
        int getWidth();
        int getGap();
        char getNozzle(int i);
        void setNozzle(int i, char c);
        void markNozzle(int i, int bankPos);
        int getNextUnmarkedPos();
        int getBankPos(int i);
        void reset();
        void print();
        char* set_;
        int* from_;
        char* original_;
        int size_;
        int width_;
        int height_;
        int gap_;


I notice that there is dynamic allocation of memory, but I don't see a delete anywhere...is this a problem? 我注意到内存是动态分配的,但是在任何地方都看不到delete ...这是问题吗? How could I fix this if it is a problem? 如果有问题该怎么解决?

Thnx for any help! Thnx寻求任何帮助!

PS 聚苯乙烯

I noticed there is no keyword class used in this example?...Can you define a class like this? 我注意到此示例中没有使用关键字class吗?...可以定义这样的类吗?

It's impossible to say without seeing the class definition (the header); 不看类定义(标题)就不可能说; if size_ , etc. are something like boost::shared_array , or std::unique_ptr , there is no leak. 如果size_等类似boost::shared_arraystd::unique_ptr ,则没有泄漏。 If they are simply int* , there is a leak. 如果它们只是int* ,则存在泄漏。

Of course, no C++ programmer would write this sort of code anyway. 当然,没有C ++程序员会写这种代码。 The class would contain std::vector<int> and std::string . 该类将包含std::vector<int>std::string Judging from what we see here, the author doesn't know C++. 从我们在这里看到的内容来看,作者并不了解C ++。

Another problem is that your code does not obey Rule of three (links here and here ) 另一个问题是您的代码不遵守三个规则( 此处此处的链接)

once you will write code like: 一旦您将编写如下代码:

PlacementHead a(0,0,0,"asdsa");
PlacementHead b(0,0,0,"asdsa");
a = b; // line 1
} // here segfault

you will get segfault, in line 1 , pointers will be copied from b to a , and once you will finally have destructors, pointers will be deleted twice, which is wrong. 您将在line 1遇到段错误,将指针从b复制到a ,一旦您最终拥有析构函数,指针将被删除两次,这是错误的。 This is called shallow copy, you need deep copy, where new array will be allocated. 这称为浅拷贝,您需要深拷贝,将在其中分配新阵列。

the code has leak . 代码泄漏了。 the constructor allocates the memory .Destructor or some other function have to clean that before the object gets destroyed 构造函数分配内存。析构函数或其他函数必须在销毁对象之前清除内存

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