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[英]Can I set configuration of Jersey Client with web.xml

In my application I have config classes for Jersey Server and for Jersey Client. 在我的应用程序中,我有Jersey服务器和Jersey客户端的配置类。
Configuration for server is the class extended from ResourceConfig, and I apply it with web.xml 服务器的配置是ResourceConfig扩展的类,我将其与web.xml一起应用


Configuration for client is the class extended from ClientConfig and I apply it during client creation 客户端的配置是从ClientConfig扩展的类,我在客户端创建期间将其应用

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(new JerseyClientConfig());

What I want to do is to apply this JerseyClientConfig as default configuration for all created clients (don't want to create instance of config every time client istance is constructed). 我想要做的就是将此JerseyClientConfig用作所有已创建客户端的默认配置(不想在每次构建客户端距离时都创建config实例)。
Is it possible to set it in web.xml, like I do it to server config? 是否可以像我对服务器配置那样在web.xml中进行设置?
I didn't find anything about it in official documentation. 我没有在官方文档中找到任何有关它的信息。

You can do so for injected Client / WebTarget , take a look at Managed JAX-RS Client article to find out how. 您可以对注入的Client / WebTarget ,请WebTarget Managed JAX-RS Client文章以了解如何进行。 Injected WebTarget looks like: 注入的WebTarget看起来像:

public class MyResource {

    private WebTarget target;

    public String sayHello() {
        return target.request().get(String.class);

Otherwise, if you want to create a client instance yourself you can only use configuration of the JAX-RS application (so no really custom configuration): 否则,如果您想自己创建客户端实例,则只能使用JAX-RS应用程序的配置(因此没有真正的自定义配置):

public class MyResource {

    private Configuration config;

    public String sayHello() {
        return ClientBuilder

Note: In this use-case your client will have all the applicable configuration you server-side has. 注意:在此用例中,客户端将具有服务器端具有的所有适用配置。

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