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在Corona SDK中更新网络请求

[英]Update a network request in Corona SDK

I am fetching some json stuff(value of bitcoin) from a website with the network.request-function. 我正在使用network.request-function从网站上获取一些json东西(比特币的价值)。 However, I want that json stuff(value of bitcoin) to update to the latest version every time the user presses update. 但是,我希望每次用户按下update时,该json东西(比特币的值)都更新为最新版本。 How would that be possible? 那怎么可能呢?

local json = require("json")
btcPriceText = display.newText("price", 50,100, "Arial", 25)

local function btcValue(event)
btcValue = json.decode(event.response)
dollarbtc= btcValue[1]['rate']

local function update()
if(dollarbtc) then
    btcPriceText.text = "BTC"..dollarbtc

network.request( "https://bitpay.com/api/rates", "GET", btcValue )
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", update )

This is all the code I'm using. 这就是我正在使用的所有代码。

Referring to the excellent Corona docs on buttons page, you would put your network.request in the handleButtonEvent of the first example on that page. 参考按钮页面出色的Corona文档 ,您可以将network.request放在该页面上第一个示例的handleButtonEvent中。 This way, every time the user clicks button, a new request is made. 这样,每次用户单击按钮时,都会发出一个新请求。 As soon as response arrives, the btcValue function will get called, thus setting the dollarbtc value based on the content of the response. 响应到达后,将btcValue调用btcValue函数,从而根据响应的内容设置dollarbtc值。 Currently your update callback checks at every time frame whether the response data is available. 当前,您的update回调会在每个时间范围内检查响应数据是否可用。 So at very least, you should unset dollarbtc (set it to nil) after you update the text widget, otherwise you will be updating the widget at every time frame! 因此,至少在更新文本小部件之后,您应该取消设置dollarbtc(将其设置为nil),否则,您将在每个时间段都更新小部件!

local function update()
    if (dollarbtc) then
        btcPriceText.text = "BTC"..dollarbtc
        dollarbtc = nil -- do come here again, text field updated!

However, you don't even need to do that: update the text field when handling the response: 但是,您甚至不需要这样做:在处理响应时更新文本字段:

local function btcValue(event)
    local btcValue = json.decode(event.response)
    local dollarbtc= btcValue[1]['rate']
    btcPriceText.text = "BTC"..dollarbtc

and you can forget about the Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", update ) line, no longer needed. 并且您可以忘记不再需要的Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", update )行。

Don't forget to add a display.yourButton:addEventListener( "tap", handleButtonEvent) so the button responds to clicks . 不要忘记添加display.yourButton:addEventListener( "tap", handleButtonEvent)以便按钮响应单击 The tap event does not have phases (whereas the touch event does). 点击事件没有阶段(而触摸事件有阶段)。

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