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[英]How to install enet using luarocks

I tried to install enet for lua using luarocks. 我尝试使用luarocks为lua安装enet。 First, I checked out enet (the library) from github and compiled it: 首先,我从github中检出enet(库)并进行了编译:

svn co https://github.com/lsalzman/enet.git/trunk enet.git
cd enet.git
autoreconf -vfi
./configure && make && make install

This completed without errors. 这样就完成了,没有错误。 Then, I installed enet (the lua binding) via luarocks: 然后,我通过luarocks安装了enet(lua绑定):

luarocks install enet

Again, no errors. 同样,没有错误。 However, if I try to require "enet" , it will always throw the error: 但是,如果我尝试require "enet" ,它将始终抛出错误:

error loading module 'enet' from file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/enet.so':
        libenet.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
stack traceback:
        [C]: ?
        [C]: in function 'require'
        stdin:1: in main chunk
        [C]: ?

In case that it is important, I am doing this on a Raspberry Pi using Raspbian Wheezy. 如果很重要,我将在Raspberry Pi上使用Raspbian Wheezy进行此操作。 How can I get this to work? 我该如何工作?


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