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[英]Regular Expression to Match Number of Lines and Characters per Line

I'm trying to make sure that a string contains between 0 and 3 lines, and that for a given line that is present that it contains 0 to 100 characters. 我试图确保一个字符串包含0到3行,对于给定的行,它包含0到100个字符。 It would need to be a valid expression for JavaScript and Java. 对于JavaScript和Java,它必须是有效的表达式。 Like many people doing RegEx I'm copying from various spots on the Internet. 就像许多执行RegEx的人一样,我正在从Internet的各个位置进行复制。

Working backwards I think ^.{0,100}$ gets me the "line contains 0 to 100 characters", but trying to group that as (^.{0,100}$){0,3} doesn't work. 向后工作,我认为^.{0,100}$使我“行包含0到100个字符”,但是尝试将其分组为(^.{0,100}$){0,3}不起作用。

The new line character is probably part of my problem, so I ended up with something like .{0,100}(?:\\n.{0,100}){0,2} trying to say "a line of 0 to 100 characters optionally followed by 0 to 2 instances of a new line and 0 to 100 more characters", but that also failed. 新行字符可能是我的问题的一部分,因此我最终得到了类似.{0,100}(?:\\n.{0,100}){0,2}试图说“ 0至100个字符的行(可选)按0到2个新行实例和0到100个其他字符”,但这也失败了。

Up until now I got those expressions from other people. 直到现在我还是从别人那里得到了这些表情。 Using an online test tool I finally monkeyed this together: ^.{0,100}(?:(?:\\r\\n|[\\r\\n]).{0,100}){0,2}$ which appears to work. 我终于使用一个在线测试工具一起摸索了这件事: ^.{0,100}(?:(?:\\r\\n|[\\r\\n]).{0,100}){0,2}$似乎可行。

So, my question is, am I missing any pitfalls in ^.{0,100}(?:(?:\\r\\n|[\\r\\n]).{0,100}){0,2}$ given what I'm after? 因此,我的问题是,我是否错过了^.{0,100}(?:(?:\\r\\n|[\\r\\n]).{0,100}){0,2}$任何陷阱米之后? Furthermore, even if that does work is it the best expression to use? 此外,即使这行得通,也是使用的最佳表达方式吗?

I think what you have will work fine. 我认为您所拥有的会很好。 You can make the line break part a little more compact if you want, and you don't need ^ and $ if you are using matches() : 如果需要,可以使换行符更加紧凑,如果使用matches()则不需要^$

String regex = ".{0,100}(?:[\r\n]+.{0,100}){0,2}";


After some more thoughts I realized the newline suggestion above will match 4 (or more) lines as long as a couple of them are empty. 经过更多的思考,我意识到上面的换行符建议将匹配4(或更多)行,只要其中有几行是空的。 So, we are back to your suggested example. 因此,我们回到您建议的示例。 Oh well, at least the start and end characters can be omitted. 哦,好了,至少可以省略开始和结束字符。

String regex = ".{0,100}(?:(?:\r\n|[\r\n]).{0,100}){0,2}";

I'm not very good at regular expressions but would this work? 我不太擅长正则表达式,但这行得通吗?


Again I'm still new to reg exp, so if there is an error(which is likely) please tell me. 再次说明,我还是reg exp的新手,所以如果有错误(可能发生),请告诉我。

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