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Akka Actor如何只处理最新消息

[英]Akka Actor how to only process the latest message

Say I am sending messages to an Actor, when it is processing one message several more messages may arise. 假设我正在向Actor发送消息,当它正在处理一条消息时,可能会出现更多消息。 Now when it is ready to process the next message I want it to only process the latest message as the previous ones have become obsolete. 现在,当它准备好处理下一条消息时,我希望它只处理最新的消息,因为之前的消息已经过时了。 How can I best achieve this? 我怎样才能做到最好?

Using the scala Actors library I was able to achieve this by first checking from my sender as follows: 使用scala Actors库我可以通过首先检查发件人来实现这一目的,如下所示:

if (myActor.getState != Runnable)
  myActor ! message     

But I don't think I can do such a test in the Akka system 但我不认为我可以在Akka系统中进行这样的测试

There is no need to implement your own mailbox. 无需实现自己的邮箱。 At all. 完全没有。

Removed a lot of text and let this piece of code speak for itself: 删除了大量文本,让这段代码说明一切:

// Either implement "equals" so that every job is unique (by default) or do another comparison in the match.
class Work 
case class DoWork(work: Work)

class WorkerActor extends Actor {
  // Left as an exercise for the reader, it clearly should do some work.
  def perform(work: Work): Unit = ()

  def lookingForWork: Receive = {
    case w: Work =>
      self forward DoWork(w)
      context become prepareToDoWork(w)

  def prepareToDoWork(work: Work): Receive = {
    case DoWork(`work`) =>
      // No new work, so perform this one
      // Now we're ready to look for new work
      context become lookingForWork
    case DoWork(_) =>
      // Discard work that we don't need to do anymore
    case w2: Work =>
      // Prepare to do this newer work instead
      context become prepareToDoWork(w2) 

  //We start out as looking for work
  def receive = lookingForWork

This means that work will only be performed if there is no newer work in the mailbox. 这意味着只有在邮箱中没有较新的工作时才会执行工作。

You could implement your own mailbox, this approach will not affect your actor implementation. 您可以实现自己的邮箱,这种方法不会影响您的actor实现。 See this answer for solution with changes in actor implementation instead of custom mailbox implementation. 请参阅此答案以获取有关actor实现更改而非自定义邮箱实现的解决方案。

Implementation of mailbox that drops old messages on enqueue : enqueue上删除旧邮件的邮箱的实现:

package akka.actor.test 

import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem }
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.dispatch.{Envelope, MessageQueue}

class SingleMessageMailbox extends akka.dispatch.MailboxType {

  // This constructor signature must exist, it will be called by Akka
  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()

  // The create method is called to create the MessageQueue
  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new MessageQueue {
      val message = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference[Envelope]

      final def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue): Unit =
        Option(message.get) foreach {deadLetters.enqueue(owner, _)}

      def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit =
        for {e <- Option(message.getAndSet(handle))} 
            tell(DeadLetter(e.message, e.sender, receiver), e.sender)

      def dequeue(): Envelope = message.getAndSet(null)

      def numberOfMessages: Int = Option(message.get).size

      def hasMessages: Boolean = message.get != null

Note that I have to add this class into package akka.actor to send old message to dead letters using InternalActorRef like implemented for BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue . 请注意,我必须将此类添加到包akka.actor ,以使用InternalActorRef将旧消息发送到死信,就像为BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue 实现BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue

If you want to just skip old messages you could implement enqueue like this: 如果您只想跳过旧消息,可以像这样实现入enqueue

def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = message.set(handle)

Usage: 用法:

object Test extends App {
  import akka.actor._
  import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

  // you should use your config file instead of ConfigFactory.parseString
  val actorSystem: ActorSystem =
    ActorSystem("default", ConfigFactory.parseString(
  myMailbox.mailbox-type = "akka.actor.test.SingleMessageMailbox"

  class EchoActor extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case m => println(m); Thread.sleep(500)

  val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[EchoActor].withMailbox("myMailbox"))

  for {i <- 1 to 10} {
    actor ! i



Test: 测试:

$ sbt run
[INFO] <dead letters log>
[INFO] <dead letters log>
[INFO] <dead letters log>
[INFO] <dead letters log>
[INFO] <dead letters log>
[INFO] <dead letters log>
[INFO] <dead letters log>

See also akka/Mailboxes . 另请参见akka / Mailboxes

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