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[英]Heroku Hosting Rails

So I host with company X and have my domain on there. 因此,我在X公司托管,并在那里拥有我的域名。 I deployed my app to heroku and pointed my domain at it. 我将我的应用程序部署到了heroku,并把我的域名指向了它。 I can't wrap my head around if I am hosting my site on heroku now or if I am hosting it on company X's servers. 如果现在将网站托管在heroku上,或者如果将其托管在X公司的服务器上,我将无所适从。

I would assume I'm hosting on herokus server because that is the most logical, but just keep having this brainfart. 我认为我要在herokus服务器上托管,因为这是最合乎逻辑的,但是请继续保持头脑清醒。

Could someone please explain this to me? 有人可以向我解释一下吗?

Your application is on Heroku's server. 您的应用程序在Heroku的服务器上。 All company X has done is perform the DNS magic necessary to map the friendly URL (www.yoursite.com) to your Heroku deployment. X公司所做的全部工作就是执行DNS魔术,以将友好的URL(www.yoursite.com)映射到您的Heroku部署。

Amazon 亚马逊

You should also be aware that Heroku doesn't actually "store" the app on its own servers - it uses Amazon's ec2 cloud to create instances of your app 您还应该注意,Heroku实际上并未将应用“存储”在其自己的服务器上- 它使用Amazon的ec2来创建您的应用instances

So although you have your domain with company X, your app handled through heroku , it will actually be running in one of Amazon's data centers 因此,尽管您拥有公司X的域,但您的应用程序是通过heroku处理的,实际上将在Amazon的一个数据中心中运行

Keep that in mind when you start to grow (you may find benefits of using Amazon directly) 开始增长时请记住这一点(您可能会发现直接使用亚马逊的好处)

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