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在Bluehost中托管并将其重定向到Heroku App

[英]Hosting in Bluehost and redirecting it to Heroku App

OK. 好。 So my problem basically is: 所以我的问题基本上是:

  • I'm creating a website for a company that has hosting in Bluehost. 我正在为一家在Bluehost中托管的公司创建一个网站。
  • I've made the website in Ruby on Rails and deployed it to Heroku. 我已经在Ruby on Rails中建立了网站,并将其部署到Heroku。 ( https://gruposct.herokuapp.com/ ) https://gruposct.herokuapp.com/
  • They already had someone start the website on the past and uploaded some files in Bluehost. 他们过去已经有人开通了网站,并在Bluehost中上传了一些文件。

I'm trying to redirect the Bluehost domain to my heroku App via the DNS Zone Editor (reference: here ), but it always keeps displaying the files uploaded in Bluehost. 我正在尝试通过DNS区域编辑器(参考: here )将Bluehost域重定向到我的heroku应用程序,但它始终保持显示在Bluehost中上传的文件。 ( www.gruposct.com ) www.gruposct.com

I don't know if what I'm trying to do is either stupid or impossible. 我不知道我要做什么是愚蠢的还是不可能的。 So please any suggestion would be really helpful. 因此,请提出任何建议将非常有帮助。 Thank you. 谢谢。

As I understand it, you're hoping to redirect all traffic that was going to gruposct.com to gruposct.herokuapp.com, in which case, rather than editing the CNAME record, you'll want to follow the redirect instructions found here: https://my.bluehost.com/cgi/help/redirects 据我了解,您希望将所有进入gruposct.com的流量重定向到gruposct.herokuapp.com,在这种情况下,您将希望按照此处找到的重定向说明进行操作,而不是编辑CNAME记录: https://my.bluehost.com/cgi/help/redirects

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