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Spark作业未在本地并行化(使用本地文件系统中的Parquet + Avro)

[英]Spark job not parallelising locally (using Parquet + Avro from local filesystem)

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Indirectly solved the problem by repartitioning the RDD into 8 partitions. 通过将RDD重新划分为8个分区来间接解决该问题。 Hit a roadblock with avro objects not being "java serialisable" found a snippet here to delegate avro serialisation to kryo. 遇到一个障碍,就是avro对象不是“ java可序列化的”,在这里找到了一个片段来将avro序列化委派给kryo。 The original problem still remains. 原来的问题仍然存在。

edit 1: Removed local variable reference in map function 编辑1:在地图功能中删除了局部变量引用

I'm writing a driver to run a compute heavy job on spark using parquet and avro for io/schema. 我正在编写一个驱动程序,使用镶木地板和avro for io / schema在spark上运行计算繁重的工作。 I can't seem to get spark to use all my cores. 我似乎无法使用所有内核。 What am I doing wrong ? 我究竟做错了什么 ? Is it because I have set the keys to null ? 是因为我将键设置为null吗?

I am just getting my head around how hadoop organises files. 我只是想弄清楚hadoop如何组织文件。 AFAIK since my file has a gigabyte of raw data I should expect to see things parallelising with the default block and page sizes. AFAIK,因为我的文件具有千兆字节的原始数据,所以我应该期望看到与默认块和页面大小平行的事物。

The function to ETL my input for processing looks as follows : 将我的输入用于处理的ETL函数如下所示:

def genForum {
    class MyWriter extends AvroParquetWriter[Topic](new Path("posts.parq"), Topic.getClassSchema) {
      override def write(t: Topic) {
        synchronized {

    def makeTopic(x: ForumTopic): Topic = {
      // Ommited to save space

    val writer = new MyWriter

    val q =
      DBCrawler.db.withSession {
        Query(ForumTopics).filter(x => x.crawlState === TopicCrawlState.Done).list()

    val sz = q.size
    val c = new AtomicInteger(0)

    q.par.foreach {
      x =>
        val count = c.incrementAndGet()
        print(f"\r${count.toFloat * 100 / sz}%4.2f%%")

And my transformation looks as follows : 我的转换如下所示:

def sparkNLPTransformation() {
    val sc = new SparkContext("local[8]", "forumAddNlp")

    // io configuration
    val job = new Job()
    ParquetInputFormat.setReadSupportClass(job, classOf[AvroReadSupport[Topic]])
    AvroParquetOutputFormat.setSchema(job, Topic.getClassSchema)

    // configure annotator
    val props = new Properties()
    props.put("annotators", "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,parse")
    val an = DAnnotator(props)

    // annotator function
    def annotatePosts(ann : DAnnotator, top : Topic) : Topic = {
      val new_p = top.getPosts.map{ x=>
        val at = new Annotation(x.getPostText.toString)
        val t = at.get(classOf[SentencesAnnotation]).map(_.get(classOf[TreeAnnotation])).toList

        val r = SpecificData.get().deepCopy[Post](x.getSchema,x)
        if(t.nonEmpty) r.setTrees(t)
      val new_t = SpecificData.get().deepCopy[Topic](top.getSchema,top)

    // transformation
    val ds = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("forum_dataset.parq", classOf[ParquetInputFormat[Topic]], classOf[Void], classOf[Topic], job.getConfiguration)
    val new_ds = ds.map(x=> ( null, annotatePosts(x._2) ) )


Can you confirm that the data is indeed in multiple blocks in HDFS? 您可以确认HDFS中的数据确实位于多个块中吗? The total block count on the forum_dataset.parq file forum_dataset.parq文件上的总阻止计数

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