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[英]MySQL Case-insensitive Join

I have a table named work that contains registration info for everyone in the enterprise, like this: 我有一个名为work的表,其中包含企业中每个人的注册信息,如下所示:

Table: work 表:工作

FirstName LastName SponsorshipStatus EnrollmentStatus AdjudicationStatus
--------- -------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------
JANE      DOE      Complete          Incomplete       Incomplete
JOHN      DOE      Complete          Complete         Incomplete
MONTY     PYTHON   Complete          Complete         Complete
MARY      POPPINS  Complete          Complete         Complete

A department manager gives me a list of her employees like the one immediately below and she needs a status update: 部门经理给我一份她的员工名单,如下面的员工,她需要更新状态:

Table: employees 表:员工

FirstName LastName
--------- --------
John      Doe
Mary      Poppins
Humpty    Dumpty

Knowing that the case of the two tables do not match, I try the following query: 知道两个表的情况不匹配,我尝试以下查询:

SELECT employees.FirstName, employees.LastName,
    SponsorshipStatus, EnrollmentStatus, AdjudicationStatus
    FROM employees LEFT JOIN work
    ON (UPPER(employees.FirstName) LIKE UPPER(work.FirstName)
    AND UPPER(employees.LastName) LIKE UPPER(work.LastName));

...and it produces the following: ...并产生以下结果:

Query Result: 查询结果:

FirstName LastName SponsorshipStatus EnrollmentStatus AdjudicationStatus
--------- -------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------
JOHN      DOE      NULL              NULL             NULL
MARY      POPPINS  NULL              NULL             NULL
HUMPTY    DUMPTY   NULL              NULL             NULL

This is what I expect to get from the query: 这是我希望从查询中得到的:

FirstName LastName SponsorshipStatus EnrollmentStatus AdjudicationStatus
--------- -------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------
JOHN      DOE      Complete          Complete         Incomplete
MARY      POPPINS  Complete          Complete         Complete
HUMPTY    DUMPTY   NULL              NULL             NULL

What am I doing wrong here? 我在这做错了什么? The left join is working correctly, but it is not doing the match and pulling in the relevant data from the work table, as evidenced by all the nulls. 左连接正常工作,但它没有进行匹配并从工作表中提取相关数据,正如所有空值所证明的那样。

I have already looked at numerous posts here, and none of them seem to clearly help me here. 我已经在这里查看过很多帖子,但这些帖子似乎都没有在这里帮助我。

You're misusing LIKE . 你在滥用LIKE Don't use LIKE unless you're pattern-matching. 除非您要进行模式匹配,否则不要使用LIKE Change 更改

UPPER(employees.FirstName) LIKE UPPER(work.FirstName)


UPPER(employees.FirstName) = UPPER(work.FirstName)

Do the same with the lastname, too. 对姓氏也要这样做。

Since MySQL 5.0.3, when you retrieve values for a VARCHAR column, any trailing spaces are included. 从MySQL 5.0.3开始,当您检索VARCHAR列的值时,会包含任何尾随空格。 This can be a concern because when using = comparison, trailing spaces are ignored, whereas with LIKE trailing spaces are considered. 这可能是一个问题,因为当使用=比较时,忽略尾随空格,而考虑LIKE尾随空格。

SELECT 'foo' = 'foo ';
// Returns true

SELECT 'foo' LIKE 'foo ';
// Returns false

So, be sure to use the appropriate operator. 因此,请确保使用适当的运算符。

Since the collation on the column is CASE INSENSITIVE , you don't need the UPPER() function. 由于该列的排序规则为CASE INSENSITIVE ,因此您不需要UPPER()函数。 In fact, dropping UPPER will allow MySQL to utilize an index on the column (using a function on a column generally negates the use of an index). 实际上,删除UPPER将允许MySQL利用列上的索引(在列上使用函数通常会否定索引的使用)。

 // With case insensitive collation
 SELECT 'FOO' = 'foo';
 // Returns true

 // LIKE will work the same
 // Returns true

Since = and LIKE return the same results for you, however, I don't know what the issue is. 既然=LIKE为你返回相同的结果,我不知道是什么问题。

You should also specify the table name for all columns in a join to avoid any chance of ambiguous columns (if you were to add similar columns to the other table in the future), and for readability: 您还应该为连接中的所有列指定表名,以避免出现模糊列的可能性(如果您将来要向其他表添加类似的列),并且为了可读性:

SELECT employees.FirstName, employees.LastName,
    work.SponsorshipStatus, work.EnrollmentStatus, work.AdjudicationStatus
    FROM employees
    LEFT JOIN work
    ON employees.FirstName = work.FirstName
    AND employees.LastName = work.LastName;

However, if the columns were ambiguous, you should get an error. 但是,如果列不明确,则应该得到一个错误。

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