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Yii CArrayDataProvider不会更新GridView上的活动页面

[英]Yii CArrayDataProvider does not update active page on GridView

I'm using yii bootstrap widgets TbGridView to view data from my database table. 我正在使用yii bootstrap小部件TbGridView来查看数据库表中的数据。

evry page request I get the data from my API using offset , and I update the grid view databrovider from the result of API . evry页面请求我使用offset从我的API获取数据,然后从API的结果更新grid view databrovider

I used CArrayDataProvider for that. 为此使用了CArrayDataProvider

my problem is at the first request it return the records and it display all pages on pagination on grid view, and when I click on any page on pagination it return the data by offset but the grid view does not add active class on the clicked page. 我的问题是在第一次请求时它返回记录,并在网格视图上显示分页中的所有页面,当我在页面上单击任何页面时,它按偏移量返回数据,但网格视图未在单击的页面上添加活动类

and I was set currentPage = 0 in pagination option and if I remove this option and click on any page on pagination it return no result found Although there is a result on my Data Provider 并且我在分页选项中设置了currentPage = 0 ,并且如果我删除了该选项并在分页上单击任何页面,则不会返回任何结果,尽管我的数据提供程序上有结果

my code is : 我的代码是:

this is my data provider 这是我的数据提供者

$offset = $limit * ($page_no-1) ;
$arr_transaction = $obj_transaction->getTransactionByOffset($offset);
$total_record    = $total_record = $obj_transaction->getTotalRecord();

$dp_transactions = new CArrayDataProvider($arr_transaction,
    'keyField' => false,
        'params' => array('date_from' => $transaction_form->date_from,'date_to'=>$transaction_form->date_to),


and this is my Grid view 这是我的网格视图


        $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(
            'type'=>'striped bordered condensed',
            'template' => "{summary}{items}{pager}",
                array('name'=>'ust_order_Id', 'header'=>'Oreder Id'),
                array('name'=>'ust_create_time', 'header'=>'Transaction Time'),
                array('name'=>'ust_email', 'header'=>'Email'),
                array('name'=>'ust_mobile_number', 'header'=>'Mobile Number'),
                array('name'=>'ust_amount', 'header'=>'Amount'),

and I don't need to supply ALL THE DATA to the CArrayDataProvide . 而且我不需要将所有数据提供CArrayDataProvide

Any one can help me 任何人都可以帮助我

Thanks 谢谢

It is "defect" of CArrayDataProvider : Length of your array must be bigger than (CURRENT_PAGE-1) * PAGE_SIZE . 这是CArrayDataProvider “缺陷”:数组的长度必须大于(CURRENT_PAGE-1) * PAGE_SIZE So you can pad empty values to your array: 因此,您可以将空值填充到数组中:

$offset = $limit * ($page_no-1) ; // it means $page_no is current page number
$arr_transaction = $obj_transaction->getTransactionByOffset($offset);
$total_record    = $total_record = $obj_transaction->getTotalRecord();

$arr_transaction = array_pad($arr_transaction, -1*(count($arr_transaction) + $offset), null);

$dp_transactions = new CArrayDataProvider($arr_transaction,
    'keyField' => false,
        'pageSize'=>$limit, // $limit = 10 ?
        'params' => array('date_from' => $transaction_form->date_from,'date_to'=>$transaction_form->date_to),
        // 'currentPage'=>0, this not needed


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