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[英]javascript revealing module pattern and jquery

I'm trying to up my js foo and start to use the module patter more but I'm struggling. 我正在尝试提高我的js foo并开始更多地使用模块模式,但我一直在努力。

I have a main page with a jquery-ui element that pops up a dialog that loads an ajax requested page for data entry. 我有一个带有jquery-ui元素的主页,该元素弹出一个对话框,该对话框加载ajax请求的页面以进行数据输入。 The below code is contained within the popup ajax page. 下面的代码包含在弹出的ajax页面中。

After the pop up is loaded the Chrome console is able to see and execute ProtoSCRD.testing() just fine. 加载弹出窗口后,Chrome控制台可以正常查看和执行ProtoSCRD.testing() If I try to run that in the jQuery.ready block on the page, I get: 如果我尝试在页面上的jQuery.ready块中运行它,则会得到:

Uncaught ReferenceError: ProtoSCRD is not defined 未捕获的ReferenceError:未定义ProtoSCRD

Yet i can execute toggleTypeVisable() in the ready block and life is good. 但是我可以在ready块中执行toggleTypeVisable() ,并且生活很顺利。 Can anyone shed some light? 谁能阐明一些想法?

$(document).ready(function() {

        hstyle = $('#hood-style').val();
        if ( hstyle.indexOf('Custom') != -1) {
            alert('Custom hood style requires an upload drawing for clarity.');


    $('#return').change(function(){ setCustomReturnVisibility(); });



function toggleTypeVisable(){

    if ( $('#rd_type').val() == 'Bracket' ) {
    if ( $('#rd_type').val() == 'Endcap' ) {

    if ( $('#rd_type').val() == 'Select One' ) {

ProtoSCRD = (function($, w, undefined) {
    testing = function(){
        return '';

    getDom = function(){
        return  $('#prd-order-lines-cnt');

    return {
        testing: testing,
        getDom: getDom
}(jQuery, window));

calling the popup dialog like so - which is in fact in another ready in a diff file on the parent page: 这样调用弹出对话框-实际上在父页面上的diff文件中的另一个对话框中:

// enable prototype button
$( "#proto-btn" ).click(function(e){

I don't know if it will solve your problems at all, but you are definitely missing several var statements you really should have: 我不知道它是否能完全解决您的问题,但是您肯定缺少几个真正应该具有的var语句:

var ProtoSCRD = (function($, w, undefined) {
    var testing = function(){
        return '';

    var getDom = function(){
        return  $('#prd-order-lines-cnt');

    return {
        testing: testing,
        getDom: getDom
}(jQuery, window));

IMHO, it's best practice to use var for every variable you declare. 恕我直言,最佳做法是对声明的每个变量使用var (Function declarations do so implicitly.) (函数声明是隐式执行的。)

But I really don't know if this will help solve anything. 但是我真的不知道这是否可以解决任何问题。 But it should store everything in its proper scope. 但是它应该将所有内容存储在适当的范围内。

Update 更新资料

Here's one possible issue: if the document is already ready (say this is loading at the end of the body), then perhaps jQuery is running this synchronously. 这是一个可能的问题:如果文档已经准备好(例如正在正文的末尾加载),那么jQuery可能正在同步运行它。 Have you tried moving the definition of ProtoSCRD above the document.ready block? 您是否尝试过将ProtoSCRD的定义ProtoSCRD document.ready块上方?

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