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[英]Revealing module pattern and jquery failed

I have a file call text.js and it has 我有一个文件调用text.js,它有

var Text = function(canvas){

  var textField = $('#textField'),
  addTextButton = $('#addText');

  var init = function(){
      alert('won"t work?')

  resetTextField = function(){
   // it work if I put the selector here like var textField = $('#textField'),
    textField.val(''); // won't work


It's included in my index.html. 它包含在我的index.html中。 In there I do init like 我在那里做初始化


The problem is the even't can't be fired. 问题是甚至不能被解雇。 I think I messed up something. 我想我搞砸了。

The code in Text is run immediately , and returns the object with init on it. Text的代码立即运行,并返回带有init的对象。 If you run that code before the elements it looks up exist, for instance: 如果您在查找元素之前运行该代码,例如:

<!doctype html>
<!-- ... --->
<script src="text.js"></script><!-- Problem here -->
<!-- ... --->
<input id="textField"><input id="addText" type="button" value="Add">
<!-- ... -->

... you'll end up with empty jQuery objects in textField and addTextButton . ...您最终将在textFieldaddTextButton得到空的jQuery对象。

Separately, you're also running the function you're trying to pass ready immediately (and then passing undefined into ready ), the problem is here: 另外,您还要运行试图立即传递ready (然后将undefined传递给ready )的函数,问题出在这里:

//   ^^---------- problem

You don't want those () . 您不想要那些() You want to pass the function into ready : 您要将函数传递给ready

}); // <== Note no ()

If you're going to have the init method, it would be best to put all your initialization inside it rather than putting it in two places: 如果要使用init方法,最好将所有初始化都放在其中,而不要放在两个地方:

var Text = function(canvas){

  var textField, addTextButton;

  var init = function(){
    textField = $('#textField');
    addTextButton = $('#addText');
      alert('won"t work?')

  resetTextField = function(){
   // it work if I put the selector here like var textField = $('#textField'),
    textField.val(''); // won't work


Note, though, that if you follow the usual best practice of putting your scripts at the end of the document, just prior to the closing </body> tag, the elements defined above that will exist and be available, which would make using ready (and init ) unnecessary. 但是请注意,如果您遵循通常的最佳做法将脚本放在文档的末尾 ,即在</body>标记之前,则上面定义的元素将存在并可用,这将使使用ready (和init )是不必要的。 So if you control where the script tags go, that's an option. 因此,如果您控制script标记的位置,则可以选择。

So for instance: 因此,例如:

<!doctype html>
<!-- ... --->
<!-- ... -->
<input id="textField"><input id="addText" type="button" value="Add">
<!-- ... -->
<script src="text.js"></script>

You are invoking the function once defined using () at a point where DOM is not loaded. 一旦在() DOM)未加载的位置调用了使用()定义的函数。 Thus, all selectors return zero nodes. 因此,所有选择器都返回零节点。

var Text = function(canvas){
  // ...

Remove that. 删除它。 And when you call it, you need to instance the function first, and keep that instance reference (if you wish to). 并且在调用它时,需要首先实例化该函数,并保留该实例引用(如果需要)。

var text = new Text();

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