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玫瑰树的高度 Haskell

[英]Height of a Rose Tree Haskell

Consider the following definition of Rose Trees:考虑以下玫瑰树的定义:

data RTree a = R a [RTree a]

I need help defining the function rtHeight :: (RTree a) -> Int that calculates the height of a rose tree.我需要帮助定义函数rtHeight :: (RTree a) -> Int来计算玫瑰树的高度。

So far, I have tried the following到目前为止,我已经尝试了以下

rtHeight R a [] = 1
rtHeight R a l = 1 + rtHeight l

However, this does not work becuase l is a list of rose trees.但是,这不起作用,因为 l 是玫瑰树的列表。 I have also tried the following:我还尝试了以下方法:

rtHeight R a [] = 1
rtHeight R a l = maximum (map (rtHeight) l)

I believe this fails becuase I am not adding a level while I am going down the tree.我相信这会失败,因为我在下树时没有添加关卡。

In Why Functional Programming Matters (PDF) , the author includes a code that is equivalent to the following:Why Functional Programming Matters (PDF) 中,作者包含了一段等效于以下内容的代码:

reduce_tree f g z t =
  f (label t) (reduce (g . reduce_tree f g z) z (branches t))

Using it, we can write使用它,我们可以写

rtHeight t = reduce_tree f g z t
    f _ y  = 1 + y      -- 1 more than maximum height of subtrees
    g x y  = max x y    -- y is maximum height of subtrees to the right
    z      = 0          -- the smallest height is 0

label    (R a _ ) = a
branches (R _ bs) = bs
reduce = foldr

As an illustration, for a tree t = R a [b,c,d] , this calculates t 's height as例如,对于一棵树t = R a [b,c,d] ,这计算t的高度为

rtHeight t = 1 + max (rtHeight b)         -- rtHeight == reduce_tree f g z
                     (max (rtHeight c)
                          (max (rtHeight d)

That is because, for the built-in foldr function ,那是因为,对于内置的foldr函数

foldr g z [a,b,c,...,n] == g a (g b (g c (... (g n z)...)))

An interesting identity is foldr (g . h) z xs == foldr gz (map h xs) , and since maximum (xs ++ [0]) == foldr max 0 xs , your direct recursive formulation of rtHeight can be recovered from this generalized formulation.一个有趣的身份是foldr (g . h) z xs == foldr gz (map h xs) ,并且由于maximum (xs ++ [0]) == foldr max 0 xs ,您的rtHeight直接递归公式可以从这种广义的表述。

Here is my final answer.这是我的最终答案。 Tested and it worked:经过测试,它有效:

rtHeight R a [] = 1
rtHeight R a l = 1 + maximum (map (rtHeight) l)

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