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Haskell中的将军树=玫瑰树? 一棵玫瑰树的驿站吗?

[英]General Tree in Haskell = Rose Tree? Postoder for a rose tree?

I was supposed to create a data structure for a Tree, where every Node has an undefined amount of branches. 我应该为Tree创建一个数据结构,其中每个Node都有未定义数量的分支。 I am guessing this will be a rose tree. 我猜这将是一棵玫瑰树。

data GTree a = Node a [GTree a] 

Now I am supposed to write a postorderG function that will give me a list of all my elements in my general in a postorder sequence I wrote this but it does not seem right... Could someone help me? 现在,我应该编写一个postorderG函数,该函数将按照我编写的后序顺序为我提供通用中所有元素的列表,但这似乎不正确……有人可以帮我吗?

postorderG :: GTree a -> [a]
postorderG (Node x l r) = postorder l ++ postorder r ++ [GTree x]

GTree is a type constructor, not a data constructor; GTree类型构造函数,而不是数据构造函数; a tree would be created with Node x [] , not GTree x . 将使用Node x []而不是GTree x创建树。

However , you don't need to create a tree at all here. 但是 ,您根本不需要在此处创建树。 You just need a the value stored at the root of the input tree for the final list in the return value. 您只需要将一个存储在输入树的根目录中,以作为返回值中的最终列表。

postorderG :: GTree a -> [a]
postorderG (Node x ch) =  concatMap postorderG ch -- [a]
                          ++ [x]         -- [a], not [GTree a]

If you wanted to, you could create a singleton tree to append to ch , the apply postOrderG to each child and the new singleton in order. 如果愿意,您可以创建一个单例树以附加到ch ,将postOrderG应用于每个子级,并按顺序将新的单例应用到。

postorderG (Node x ch) = concatMap postorderG (ch ++ [Node x []])

Taking advantage of the [] monad instead of using concatMap , the RHS would look like either 利用[] monad而不是使用concatMap ,RHS看起来像

(ch >>= postorderG) ++ [x]

or 要么

(ch ++ [Node x []]) >>= postorderG

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