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让 datetime.now 返回到最近的秒

[英]Have datetime.now return to the nearest second

I have a "requirement" to give a timestamp to the nearest second... but NOT more accurate than that.我有一个“要求”为最近的秒提供时间戳......但不会比这更准确。 Rounding or truncating the time is fine.四舍五入或截断时间都可以。

I have come up with this abomination我想出了这个可憎的东西

 dateTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("U"));

(U is the Long format date and time. "03 January 2007 17:25:30") (U 是长格式日期和时间。“2007 年 1 月 3 日 17:25:30”)

Is there some less horrific way of achieving this?是否有一些不那么可怕的方法来实现这一目标?

Edit: So from the linked truncate milliseconds answer (thanks John Odom) I am going to do this编辑:所以从链接的截断毫秒答案(感谢约翰奥多姆)我打算这样做

 private static DateTime GetCurrentDateTimeNoMilliseconds()
            var currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            return new DateTime(currentTime.Ticks - (currentTime.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), currentTime.Kind);

barely less horrific.. but it does preserve the 'kind' of datetime which I do care about.几乎没有那么可怕......但它确实保留了我关心的“那种”约会时间。 My solution did not.我的解决方案没有。

You could implement this as an extension method that allows you to trim a given DateTime to a specified accuracy using the underlying Ticks:您可以将其实现为一个扩展方法,该方法允许您使用基础 Ticks 将给定的 DateTime 修剪到指定的精度:

public static DateTime Trim(this DateTime date, long ticks) {
   return new DateTime(date.Ticks - (date.Ticks % ticks), date.Kind);

Then it is easy to trim your date to all kinds of accuracies like so:然后很容易将您的日期修剪为各种准确度,如下所示:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime nowTrimmedToSeconds = now.Trim(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
DateTime nowTrimmedToMinutes = now.Trim(TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute);

You can use this constructor:您可以使用构造函数:

public DateTime(
    int year,
    int month,
    int day,
    int hour,
    int minute,
    int second

so it would be:所以它会是:

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
DateTime secondsDt = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second);

If you really want to round the time to the nearest second, you can use:如果你真的想把时间四舍五入到最接近的秒,你可以使用:

        .AddSeconds(Math.Round((DateTime.Now - DateTime.MinValue).TotalSeconds));

However unless that extra half a second really makes a difference, you can just remove the millisecond portion:但是,除非额外的半秒真的有所作为,否则您可以删除毫秒部分:

DateTime.Now.AddTicks( -1 * (DateTime.Now.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));

Try this尝试这个

TimeSpan span= dateTime.Subtract(new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
return span.TotalSeconds;

After working with the selected solution I am satisfied that it works well.使用选定的解决方案后,我很满意它运行良好。 However the implementations of the extension methods posted here do not offer any validation to ensure the ticks value you pass in is a valid ticks value.但是,此处发布的扩展方法的实现不提供任何验证以确保您传入的刻度值是有效的刻度值。 They also do not preserve the DateTimeKind of the DateTime object being truncated.它们也不保留被截断的 DateTime 对象的 DateTimeKind。 (This has subtle but relevant side effects when storing to a database like MongoDB.) (当存储到像 MongoDB 这样的数据库时,这会产生微妙但相关的副作用。)

If the true goal is to truncate a DateTime to a specified value (ie Hours/Minutes/Seconds/MS) I recommend implementing this extension method in your code instead.如果真正的目标是将 DateTime 截断为指定值(即小时/分钟/秒/毫秒),我建议改为在您的代码中实现此扩展方法。 It ensures that you can only truncate to a valid precision and it preserves the important DateTimeKind metadata of your original instance:它确保您只能截断到有效精度,并保留原始实例的重要 DateTimeKind 元数据:

public static DateTime Truncate(this DateTime dateTime, long ticks)
    bool isValid = ticks == TimeSpan.TicksPerDay 
        || ticks == TimeSpan.TicksPerHour 
        || ticks == TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute 
        || ticks == TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond 
        || ticks == TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;

    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21704604/have-datetime-now-return-to-the-nearest-second
    return isValid 
        ? DateTime.SpecifyKind(
            new DateTime(
                dateTime.Ticks - (dateTime.Ticks % ticks)
        : throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ticks value given. Only TimeSpan tick values are allowed.");

Then you can use the method like this:然后你可以使用这样的方法:

DateTime dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Truncate(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);

dateTime.Kind => DateTimeKind.Utc

Here is a rounding method that rounds up or down to the nearest second instead of just trimming:这是一种向上或向下舍入到最接近的秒而不只是修剪的舍入方法:

public static DateTime Round(this DateTime date, long ticks = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) {
    if (ticks>1)
        var frac = date.Ticks % ticks;
        if (frac != 0)
            // Rounding is needed..
            if (frac*2 >= ticks)
                // round up
                return new DateTime(date.Ticks + ticks - frac);
                // round down
                return new DateTime(date.Ticks - frac);
    return date;

It can be used like this:它可以像这样使用:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime nowTrimmedToSeconds = now.Round(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
DateTime nowTrimmedToMinutes = now.Round(TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute);

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