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[英]server1 instance in websphere shuts down regularly

i have a WSDL web service in the server1 instance of websphere. 我在websphere的server1实例中有一个WSDL Web服务。

this server1 instance shuts down regularly. 此server1实例会定期关闭。 there are no error logs being generated every time the shutdown occurs. 每次关闭时都不会生成错误日志。

however, whenever the server1 instance of websphere is started , these errors and exceptions are generated: 但是,无论何时启动 websphere的server1实例,都会生成以下错误和异常:

  1. The certificate (Owner: "CN=SOAPRequester, OU=TRL, O=IBM, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP") with alias "soaprequester" from keystore "D:\\IBM\\WEBSPH~1\\APPSER~1\\etc\\ws-security\\samples\\dsig-sender.ks" has expired: java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Sat Oct 01 19:24:06 CST 2011 来自密钥库“ D:\\ IBM \\ WEBSPH〜1 \\ APPSER〜1 \\ etc \\”的别名“ soaprequester”的证书(所有者:“ CN = SOAPRequester,OU = TRL,O = IBM,ST = Kanagawa,C = JP”) “ ws-security \\ samples \\ dsig-sender.ks”已过期:java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException:NotAfter:星期六CST 2011年10月1日19:24:06
  2. The certificate (Owner: "CN=SOAPProvider, OU=TRL, O=IBM, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP") with alias "soapprovider" from keystore "D:\\IBM\\WEBSPH~1\\APPSER~1\\etc\\ws-security\\samples\\dsig-receiver.ks" has expired: java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Sat Oct 01 19:30:39 CST 2011 来自密钥库“ D:\\ IBM \\ WEBSPH〜1 \\ APPSER〜1 \\ etc \\”的别名“ soapprovider”的证书(所有者:“ CN = SOAPProvider,OU = TRL,O = IBM,ST = Kanagawa,C = JP”) “ ws-security \\ samples \\ dsig-receiver.ks”已过期:java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException:NotAfter:星期六CST 2011年10月1日19:30:39
  3. Method createManagedConnctionWithMCWrapper caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource jms/BPECF, throwing ResourceAllocationException. 在为资源jms / BPECF创建ManagedConnection的过程中,方法createManagedConnctionWithMCWrapper捕获了一个异常,并抛出ResourceAllocationException。 Original exception: javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException: createQueueConnection failed 原始异常:javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException:createQueueConnection失败
  4. com.ibm.mqservices.MQInternalException: MQJE001: An MQException occurred: Completion Code 2, Reason 2063 MQJE027: Queue manager security exit rejected connection with error code 23 com.ibm.mqservices.MQInternalException:MQJE001:发生MQException:完成代码2,原因2063 MQJE027:队列管理器安全出口拒绝了连接,错误代码为23
  5. javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager javax.jms.JMSSecurityException:MQJMS2013:为MQQueueManager提供的安全认证无效

my questions are: 1. is MQ required by the WSDL service? 我的问题是:1. WSDL服务是否需要MQ? 2. are any of these 5 errors possible for causing the frequent downtimes? 2.这5个错误中是否有可能导致频繁的停机?

As far as I understand you have WebSphere Process Server configured with WebSphere MQ as message bus. 据我了解,您已经将WebSphere Process Server配置为使用WebSphere MQ作为消息总线。

MQ Queue might be represented as JMS binding in SOAP over JMS configuration. MQ Queue可能表示为基于JMS的SOAP over JMS JMS绑定。 IBM article . IBM文章

Regarding errors: First 2 errors are simple - certificates have expired. 关于错误:前两个错误很简单-证书已过期。 You should update it. 您应该更新它。

I assume 3 -5 exception are 1 error - there is answer to this question stackoverflow 我假设3 -5例外是1错误-此问题有答案stackoverflow

2063 is security related problems. 2063是与安全相关的问题。

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