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server1 instance in websphere shuts down regularly

i have a WSDL web service in the server1 instance of websphere.

this server1 instance shuts down regularly. there are no error logs being generated every time the shutdown occurs.

however, whenever the server1 instance of websphere is started , these errors and exceptions are generated:

  1. The certificate (Owner: "CN=SOAPRequester, OU=TRL, O=IBM, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP") with alias "soaprequester" from keystore "D:\\IBM\\WEBSPH~1\\APPSER~1\\etc\\ws-security\\samples\\dsig-sender.ks" has expired: java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Sat Oct 01 19:24:06 CST 2011
  2. The certificate (Owner: "CN=SOAPProvider, OU=TRL, O=IBM, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP") with alias "soapprovider" from keystore "D:\\IBM\\WEBSPH~1\\APPSER~1\\etc\\ws-security\\samples\\dsig-receiver.ks" has expired: java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Sat Oct 01 19:30:39 CST 2011
  3. Method createManagedConnctionWithMCWrapper caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource jms/BPECF, throwing ResourceAllocationException. Original exception: javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException: createQueueConnection failed
  4. com.ibm.mqservices.MQInternalException: MQJE001: An MQException occurred: Completion Code 2, Reason 2063 MQJE027: Queue manager security exit rejected connection with error code 23
  5. javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager

my questions are: 1. is MQ required by the WSDL service? 2. are any of these 5 errors possible for causing the frequent downtimes?

As far as I understand you have WebSphere Process Server configured with WebSphere MQ as message bus.

MQ Queue might be represented as JMS binding in SOAP over JMS configuration. IBM article .

Regarding errors: First 2 errors are simple - certificates have expired. You should update it.

I assume 3 -5 exception are 1 error - there is answer to this question stackoverflow

2063 is security related problems.

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