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Java WebService - WebSphere Application Server

I need to run a webservice on a WebSphere Application Server (Liberty Profile) so I can get the wsdl and use it to make tests on SoapUI. I'm using WebSphere Developer Tools on Eclipse Luna.

I have the code for this webservice, as follows:


package xpto;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public interface Communicate {
        @WebMethod String initiate(String var);


package xpto;

import javax.jws.WebService;

@WebService(endpointInterface = "xpto.Communicate")
public class CommunicateImpl implements Communicate {
    public String initiate(String var){
        return "S";

Now, what should I do to run the webservice and get the wsdl file?

You can check your web service name in the Eclipse. Expand your web project then JAX-WS Web Services > Web Services . Your service is probably called CommunicateImplService , so wsdl should be accessible by: http://host:port/context/serviceName?wsdl in your case probably CommunicateImplService?wsdl . Also make sure that your project is added to the server.

创建一个WAR文件。在WEBSPHERE上将其部署。给定上下文路径名,然后使用Http:// ipadress:port / contextpath / webservice name?wsdl访问URL中的Webservice

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