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[英]how to login to user account from shell script with password in the script?

I am writing a shell script to login to any user account with the password mentioned in the shell script itself. 我正在编写一个shell脚本,使用shell脚本本身提到的密码登录任何用户帐户。 My shell Script is as follows: 我的shell脚本如下:

echo mypass>su myaccount

After executing this shell script i am still in my current user account rather than in myaccount 执行此shell脚本后,我仍然在我当前的用户帐户而不是myaccount

TL;DR I want to know how to login to a user account via a shell script by just running it. TL; DR我想知道如何通过运行它来通过shell脚本登录用户帐户。

Sending password through script is possible by using expect script, Below is the very basic expect script for login to su account and executing pwd command. 使用expect脚本可以通过脚本发送密码,下面是登录su帐户和执行pwd命令的最基本的期望脚本。


spawn su myaccount          # Spawning the su process
expect "Password:*"         # Wait/expect for the Password string from the spawned process
send "uraccpassword\r"      # send the password to spawned process as an input.
expect "*bash*"
send "pwd\r"
expect "*bash*"

If you want to login to an account without providing a password then you'll need to generate ssh keys from your account using ssh-keygen and copy the public key into the account you want to login to. 如果您想在不提供密码的情况下登录帐户,则需要使用ssh-keygen从您的帐户生成ssh密钥,并将公钥复制到您要登录的帐户中。 Additionally, I would always set a passphrase on the generated keys and use ssh-agent to manage it. 另外,我总是在生成的密钥上设置密码,并使用ssh-agent来管理它。

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