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[英]Contiguous memory allocation for 2D array — freeing the memory

I am facing a heap crash during free() when I run this program, but I am successful if I do debug using F10 (in Visual studio 2010). 运行此程序时,我在free()期间遇到堆崩溃,但是如果我使用F10(在Visual Studio 2010中)进行调试,则可以成功。

My piece of code: 我的一段代码:

The below code is used to free. 以下代码用于释放。 Can someone please explain deallocation for 2D array in this case? 在这种情况下,有人可以解释2D阵列的释放吗?

void Deallocate2D ( SINT32  **pAccess, UINT8 i_ubyNoOfRows )
    int i;
    UINT8 *elem;
    if ( NULL == pAccess )
        printf ( "%d>Invalid Params\n", __LINE__ ); 

    printf ( "\nDeallocate 2D Array..................\n" );

    /* Include the code to deallocate the 2D array */


The below code is used for memory allocation: 以下代码用于内存分配:

SINT32 Allocate2D ( 
                SINT32  ***pAccess, 
                UINT8   i_ubyNoOfRows, 
                UINT8   i_ubyNoOfCols )
    SINT32  nResult = -1;
    SINT32  **pAc = NULL;
    UINT8   *pubyPositioner;
    UINT32  unTotalSize;
    int i;

    //unTotalSize = i_ubyNoOfRows * i_ubyNoOfCols;
    printf ( "\nAllocate 2D Array..................\n" );

    /* Include the code to allocate the 2D array */

    /*Contiguous memallocation  pAc*/
    pAc = (SINT32**)malloc(sizeof(SINT32*) * i_ubyNoOfRows);
        pubyPositioner = (UINT8*)malloc(sizeof(UINT8) * i_ubyNoOfCols);
        for(i = 0; i < i_ubyNoOfCols; ++i)
            pAc[i] = (SINT32*)pubyPositioner + (i * i_ubyNoOfCols);             

    *pAccess = pAc;

    /*Non contugious allocation*/
        pAc = (SINT32**)malloc(sizeof(SINT32*) * i_ubyNoOfRows );
        *pAccess = pAc;
         for(i= 0; i < i_ubyNoOfRows; ++i){
            pAc[i] = (SINT32*)malloc(sizeof(SINT32*) + (i * i_ubyNoOfRows) );
                for(j = 0; j < i_ubyNoOfCols; ++j)
                    pAc[i][j] = (UINT8)malloc(sizeof(UINT8) +   (i_ubyNoOfRows * i_ubyNoOfCols) );


        if(*pAccess != NULL)
            nResult = 0;


    if ( NULL == pAccess )
        printf ( "%d>Invalid Params\n", __LINE__ ); 
        return -1;

    return nResult;

The code to fill array and print array: 填充数组和打印数组的代码:

SINT32 Fill2D ( 
                SINT32  **pnAccess,
                SINT32  *pnData,
                UINT8   i_ubyNoOfRows, 
                UINT8   i_ubyNoOfCols )
    SINT16  wRIndex, wCIndex, wDataIndex = 0;   

    printf ( "\nFill 2D Array..................\n" );

    /* Include the code to fill the 2D array with the 1D values */
        for(wRIndex = 0 ; wRIndex < 3; ++wRIndex)
            for(wCIndex = 0; wCIndex < 3; ++wCIndex)
                pnAccess [wRIndex][wCIndex] = pnData[wDataIndex++];


    if ( ( NULL == pnAccess ) \
            || ( NULL == pnData ) )
        printf ( "%d>Invalid Params\n", __LINE__ ); 
        return -1;

    return 0;

SINT32 Print2D ( 
                SINT32  **pnAccess,
                UINT8   i_ubyNoOfRows, 
                UINT8   i_ubyNoOfCols )
    SINT16  wRIndex, wCIndex;

    if ( NULL == pnAccess )
        printf ( "%d>Invalid Params\n", __LINE__ ); 
        return -1;

    printf ( "\n2D Array..................\n\n" );

    /* Include the code to Print the 2D array in matrix format */
        for(wRIndex = 0 ; wRIndex < i_ubyNoOfRows; ++wRIndex)
            if(wRIndex % 2 == 0)
            for(wCIndex = 0; wCIndex < i_ubyNoOfCols; ++wCIndex)
                printf("%d ", pnAccess[wRIndex][wCIndex]); 


    return 0;

The below code is kind of entry point: 以下代码是一种切入点:

void Test2DArray ( void )
    SINT32  **pnData = NULL;
    SINT32  nData1[] = { 10, 15, 20, 15, 20, 25, 10, 25, 20 };
    SINT32  nData2[] = { 70, 75, 80, 65, 90, 25, 30, 35, 80 };

    printf ( "\n==================================\n" );
    printf ( "Test 2D Array..................\n" );
    printf ( "==================================\n\n" );

    if ( Allocate2D( &pnData, 3, 3 ) != -1 )
        if ( Fill2D( pnData, nData1, 3, 3 ) != - 1 )
            if ( NULL != pnData )
                Print2D ( pnData, 3, 3 );
                Deallocate2D ( pnData, 3 );

    if ( Allocate2D( &pnData, 3, 3 ) != -1 )
        if ( Fill2D( pnData, nData2, 3, 3 ) != - 1 )
            if ( NULL != pnData )
                Print2D ( pnData, 3, 3 );
                Deallocate2D ( pnData, 3 );
 /*Contiguous memallocation  pAc*/
    pAc = (SINT32**)malloc(sizeof(SINT32*) * i_ubyNoOfRows);
        pubyPositioner = (UINT8*)malloc(sizeof(UINT8) * i_ubyNoOfCols);
        for(i = 0; i < i_ubyNoOfCols; ++i)
            pAc[i] = (SINT32*)pubyPositioner + (i * i_ubyNoOfCols);   

This is not contiguous memory allocation! 这不是连续的内存分配! It is a pointer-based lookup table which is allocated in one segment, pointing at a chunk of memory allocated in another segment. 它是一个基于指针的查找表,分配在一个段中,指向另一个段中分配的内存块。

Correct code for allocating a true 2D array would be: 分配真正的2D数组的正确代码为:

SINT32 (*pAc)[ubyNoOfCols] = malloc( sizeof(SINT32[i_ubyNoOfCols][i_ubyNoOfRows]) );

Note that this will only compile on a C compiler, so you can't use Visual Studio. 请注意,这只能在C编译器上进行编译,因此您不能使用Visual Studio。

Can someone please explain deallocation for 2D array in this case? 在这种情况下,有人可以解释2D阵列的释放吗?


Looks like the code only deallocates the pointer lookup table and not the actual data. 看起来该代码仅取消分配指针查找表,而不分配实际数据。 So I suppose that is a bug: the code contains memory leaks. 因此,我认为这是一个错误:代码包含内存泄漏。

Lets take a look at your allocation code: 让我们看一下您的分配代码:

pAc = (SINT32**)malloc(sizeof(SINT32*) * i_ubyNoOfRows);
    pubyPositioner = (UINT8*)malloc(sizeof(UINT8) * i_ubyNoOfCols);
    for(i = 0; i < i_ubyNoOfCols; ++i)
        pAc[i] = (SINT32*)pubyPositioner + (i * i_ubyNoOfCols);             

So, you are first allocating memory for i_ubyNoOfRows pointers. 因此,您首先要为i_ubyNoOfRows指针分配内存。 This is fine. 这可以。
Then you proceed to allocate i_ubyNoOfCols bytes , (3 bytes in your test case), but you need space for i_ubyNoOfCols*i_ubyNoOfRows integers (3*3*4 = 36 bytes in your test case, assuming int is a 32-bit type). 然后,您继续分配i_ubyNoOfCols 个字节 (在测试用例中为3个字节),但是您需要i_ubyNoOfCols*i_ubyNoOfRows 整数的空间(假设int是32位类型,在您的测试用例中3 * 3 * 4 = 36个字节)。
When you proceed to initialize your memory, you trod on data vital for malloc() and free() to function properly. 当您继续初始化内存时,您踩了对malloc()free()正常运行至关重要的数据。

A telltale sign of one half of your mistake is the cast in the line pAc[i] = (SINT32*)pubyPositioner + (i * i_ubyNoOfCols); 您错误的一半的明显迹象是行pAc[i] = (SINT32*)pubyPositioner + (i * i_ubyNoOfCols); . It shows that you used a wrong type for pubyPostitioner . 它表明您为pubyPostitioner使用了错误的类型。

Ps: You have two 3 s hardcoded in Fill2D() , even though this function gets the correct width and height passed as arguments. Ps:即使此函数获得作为参数传递的正确宽度和高度,您在Fill2D()中也有两个3硬编码。

In my question,I wanted to allocate memory for 2D array then free it. 在我的问题中,我想为2D数组分配内存,然后释放它。 After some study, i have explained my understanding as below 经过研究,我解释了我的理解如下

  1. Allocate memory using array of pointers 使用指针数组分配内存
double **p;
int i;
p= malloc(rows * sizeof(*p));
for(i= 0; i<rows;++i)
p[i] = malloc(cols * sizeof(double));

... ... ……

  1. allocation using pointer lookup table 使用指针查找表进行分配
double **p;
double *elem;

elem = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof(double));
p = malloc(cols * sizeof(double*));
for (i = 0; i<rows;++i)
p[i] =  elem + ( i*cols);

  1. Contiguous Allocation 连续分配
double **p;
p = malloc( rows * cols * sizeof(double*));
/*Accessing / printing values ... assume values are assinged to this array*/
for(i=0; i <rows; ++i)
 for(j = 0; j< cols; ++j)
  printf("%d",p[j + (i * cols)]);


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