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[英]Fast object sharing between java applications

I'm looking for a way to share large in-memory objects between java applications and have been looking at JMS (ActiveMQ ) and JavaSpaces . 我正在寻找一种在Java应用程序之间共享大型内存中对象的方法,并且一直在寻找JMS (ActiveMQ )和JavaSpaces Will any of theese allow me to reliably send/share objects between two or more java applications? 是否有任何人允许我在两个或更多java应用程序之间可靠地发送/共享对象? Is ActiveMQ suitable for large messages? ActiveMQ适用于大型消息吗?

You can use in-memory data grids like Oracle Coherence or JBoss Data Grid . 您可以使用内存数据网格,如Oracle CoherenceJBoss Data Grid This may be a faster then JMS using. 这可能比使用JMS更快。

It really depends what you mean by share. 这真的取决于你的意思。 If you mean that different processes (potentially on different machines) need to be able to access a "shared" object, then yes, as the other answer suggests, something like Oracle Coherence would be great. 如果你的意思是不同的进程(可能在不同的机器上)需要能够访问“共享”对象,那么是的,正如另一个答案所示,像Oracle Coherence这样的东西会很棒。

On the other hand, if you mean share as in to pass from one process to another, then you probably are looking for a messaging solution, eg JMS or even simpler eg REST. 另一方面,如果你的意思是分享从一个进程传递到另一个进程,那么你可能正在寻找一个消息传递解决方案,例如JMS甚至更简单的例如REST。

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