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在不同的 Web 应用程序之间共享 Session 对象

[英]Sharing Session object between different web applications

Okay this is the problem好的,这就是问题所在

I have a Java application running on top of Apache Tomcat & I have this other application too with its own war file running on the same server.我有一个 Java 应用程序运行在 Apache Tomcat 之上,我也有这个其他应用程序,它自己的 war 文件运行在同一台服务器上。

Now I want to authenticate user once & pass that session to the other application.现在我想对用户进行一次身份验证并将该会话传递给其他应用程序。

We can say cross domain session sharing on same Apache Tomcat .. how should I go about it ....?我们可以说在同一个 Apache Tomcat 上跨域会话共享 .. 我应该怎么做......?

Thank you谢谢

Tomcat provides Single Sign On functionality via a valve specified within Host element in Tomcat's configuration: Tomcat 通过在 Tomcat 配置中的Host元素中指定的阀门提供单点登录功能:

<Host name="localhost" ...>
  <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />

There are certain restrictions applied, take a look at the above link (scroll to Single Sign On section) for details.应用了某些限制,有关详细信息,请查看上面的链接(滚动到单点登录部分)。

Create a unique token for the session and put in in a db table that both apps access.为会话创建一个唯一的令牌并将其放入两个应用程序都可以访问的数据库表中。
Store the token in the users's cookie.将令牌存储在用户的 cookie 中。
This avoids the session sharing issue and is also more scalable.这避免了会话共享问题并且也更具可扩展性。

Here is how you can code it I have been doing it for another bit of work I am working on ....这是你如何编码它我一直在做我正在做的另一项工作......

First update第一次更新

/etc/tomcatx/server.xml /etc/tomcatx/server.xml

For each context that requires to be shared对于需要共享的每个上下文

<Context path="/servlets" crossContext="true"..
 <Context path="/solutions2" crossContext="true"..

Add the crossContext=true tag to each context now for the code to create and send shared session info现在将 crossContext=true 标签添加到每个上下文中,以便代码创建和发送共享会话信息

.................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The code to alter it..改变它的代码..

//Context 1 : Sending Servlet Add below
//So this is AuthSuccess - Within The master context doing authentication
//Given examples of vectors sessions and request from
//All the information now allows you to put those new
// provider and providerName session values back into AuthSuccess
//that is executed on other Context -
//In theory once it authenticates you can just store the output i.e.
//email/display/logged in and put it into other context - or...
//as it is process list etc on other context

//Vector example
Vector roles=new Vector();

 //Redirect url
 String redir="http://mydomain.com/solutions2/AuthSuccess";

 //Get session id
 String sessionid = session.getId();

HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
 //Start new shared servlet context
 ServletContext myContext = getServletContext();

//Shared sessioname is obvious and it sends the session id followed by:

// objects,string,sessions,whatever that matches other end
myContext.setAttribute("MYSHAREDSESSION", sessionid);

//Send session directly

//send HttpRequest

   //Redirect to new context/domain/subdomain


// Now within ther servlets of solution2 within 
// AuthSuccess call back the session info
// and process as per normal

 //Add this to new context path 
   //So it looks in the first context now
  ServletContext firstOne = getServletContext().getContext("/servlets");

  //returns previous session id
  String jsessionid= (String)firstOne.getAttribute("MYSHAREDSESSION");

  //Returns Session as was
  Session ProviderName=(Session)firstOne.getAttribute("SharedSession");
  //Returns session strings we need
  String g1=(String)ProviderName.getValue("provider2");
  String g2=(String)ProviderName.getValue("providerName2");
  pout +="---
"+g2; //Grab previous request to do req processing if required HttpServletRequest nrequest=(HttpServletRequest)firstOne.getAttribute("SharedRequest"); //retrieve vector Vector goo= (Vector)firstOne.getAttribute("MYVECTOR"); if (goo.size()>0) { for (int a=0; a"; } }

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