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Symfony 2 - FOSRestBundle - 从另一个控制器调用api方法

[英]Symfony 2 - FOSRestBundle - Call api method from another controller

I'm trying to call a method of my API but I get this exception : 我试图调用我的API的方法,但我得到这个例外:

FatalErrorException: Error: Call to undefined method 
Project\Bundle\ApiBundle\Controller\UserController::userCreate() in
Symfony/src/Project/Bundle/UserBundle/Controller/UserController.php line 56

I try to call the method of my API for create a user in order to not repeat the same code twice. 我尝试调用我的API的方法来创建用户,以便不重复相同的代码两次。 The API would be used by mobile device. API将由移动设备使用。 On a browser, when a user try to register, it calls a route that will call the API create user. 在浏览器上,当用户尝试注册时,它会调用将调用API创建用户的路由。 It's what I'm trying to do... 这就是我想要做的......

If I call directly the URL api for create user, it works perfectly. 如果我直接调用create api的URL api,它可以很好地工作。 app_dev.php/api/user/create But when I call this method in my controller like here : app_dev.php/api/user/create但是当我在控制器中调用此方法时,就像这里:

public function registerAction()
  $apiUserController = new \Moodress\Bundle\ApiBundle\Controller\UserController;
  $answer = $apiUserController->userCreate();
  return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('moodress_home'));

He is not able to find my userCreate method in UserController ... 他无法在UserController中找到我的userCreate方法...

Here is my UserController : 这是我的UserController:

class UserController extends Controller
    * @Post("/user/create")
    public function userCreateAction()
    $userManager  = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
    $jsonErrorCreator = $this->get('moodress_api.create_error_json');

    $user         = $userManager->createUser();
    $request      = $this->get('request');
    $name         = $request->request->get('name');
    $email        = $request->request->get('email');
    $password     = $request->request->get('password');
    $verification = $request->request->get('verification');

    // We check if all parameters are set
    $code = 0;
    if ($name === null)                                        $code = 200;
    else if ($email    === null)                               $code = 201;
    else if ($password === null)                               $code = 202;
    else if ($verification === null)                           $code = 203;
    else if ($password !== $verification)                      $code = 204;
    else if ($userManager->findUserByUsername($name) !== null) $code = 205;
    else if ($userManager->findUserByEmail($email)   !== null) $code = 206;
     if ($code != 0)
                return ($jsonErrorCreator->createErrorJson($code, null));
    // We set parameters to user object
    $encoder = $this->get('security.encoder_factory')->getEncoder($user);
    $password_user = $encoder->encodePassword($password, $user->getSalt());

    $clientManager = $this->get('fos_oauth_server.client_manager.default');
    $client = $clientManager->createClient();
    $client->setAllowedGrantTypes(array('token', 'authorization_code'));

    // We save the user in the database

    // We use the json service for returning the data
    $jsonCreator = $this->get('moodress_api.create_json');
    $response = $jsonCreator->createJson($user);
    return $response;

We are just trying to call API method and get back the result... What is the best way for calling a method of the FOSRestBundle ? 我们只是试图调用API方法并返回结果...调用FOSRestBundle方法的最佳方法是什么?

Thanks 谢谢

solution: 解:

You should probably better use forwarding like this: 您应该更好地使用这样的转发

$response = $this->forward('AcmeYourBundle:User:userCreate', array());
// modify the response

return $response;

explanation: 说明:

You tried to call a non-existant action. 你试图调用一个不存在的动作。

public function userCreateAction() { /* ... */ }

... which should be called like this: ......应该像这样调用:

$answer = $apiUserController->userCreateAction();

... instead of ... 代替

$answer = $apiUserController->userCreate();

Don't create controller objects manually: 不要手动创建控制器对象:

Further you can't just create a new controller object and use it instantly 此外,您不能只创建一个新的控制器对象并立即使用它

$controller = new \Moodress\Bundle\ApiBundle\Controller\UserController();

you need to - at least - inject the container for $this->get('...') calls to work: 你需要 - 至少 - 为$this->get('...')调用注入容器:


You should heavily refactor your code though ... the action is way too fat. 您应该巨资虽然重构代码...的行动是肥。

tips: 提示:

As you seem to be quite new to symfony - here are a few other tips: 因为你似乎对symfony很新 - 这里有一些其他的提示:

  • you should create a login form-type and use this instead of obtaining data from the request directly ( or use the one already provided by FOSUserBundle ) 您应该创建一个登录表单类型并使用它而不是直接从请求中获取数据(或使用FOSUserBundle已经提供的数据)
  • you should add validation metadata to your user class and validate it using the validator service ( User validation-mappings are already provided by FOSUserBundle ) 您应该将验证元数据添加到您的用户类并使用验证器服务进行验证(用户验证映射已由FOSUserBundle提供)
  • there is a JsonResponse class that you can use 你可以使用一个JsonResponse
  • HTTP status codes are constants in the request class that you can use HTTP状态代码是您可以使用的请求类中的常量

Just use the following: 只需使用以下内容:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;

return new JsonResponse($data, JsonResponse::HTTP_OK); // 200

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