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如何在Akka Actor中实现receive()

[英]How to implement receive () in Akka Actor

I am in the process of converting Akka UntypedActors in Java code to their Scala equivalent. 我正在将Java代码中的Akka UntypedActors转换为他们的Scala等价物。

However, I am having trouble understanding how to correctly implement the receive() abstract method. 但是,我无法理解如何正确实现receive()抽象方法。 The ScalaDoc is a little confusing and most of the examples I see just involve String messages! ScalaDoc有点令人困惑,我看到的大部分示例都涉及String消息!

My Actor can support multiple message types and this is my solution so far: 我的Actor可以支持多种消息类型,这是我目前的解决方案:

override def receive = {
    case message if message.isInstanceOf[ClassOne] => {
        // do something after message.asInstanceOf[ClassOne]
    case message if message.isInstanceOf[ClassTwo] => {
      // do something after message.asInstanceOf[ClassTwo]
    case message => unhandled(message)

Is there a better way to achieve the above? 有没有更好的方法来实现上述目标?

override def receive = {
  case c: ClassOne =>
      // do something after message.asInstanceOf[ClassOne]
  case c: ClassTwo =>
  // do something after message.asInstanceOf[ClassTwo]
  case message => unhandled(message)

If you're using case classes, you can get more sophisticated. 如果你正在使用案例类,你可以变得更复杂。

case class ClassOne(x: Int, y: String)
case class ClassTwo(a: Int, b: Option[ClassOne])

override def receive = {
  case ClassOne(x, y) =>
      println(s"Received $x and $y")
  case ClassTwo(a, Some(ClassOne(x, y)) if a == 42 =>
      // do something
  case ClassTwo(a, None) =>
  case c @ ClassOne(_, "foo") => // only match if y == "foo", now c is your instance of ClassOne

All sorts of fun stuff. 各种有趣的东西。

receive 's type is really just a PartialFunction[Any,Unit] , which means you can use Scala's pattern match expressions - in fact, you're already doing it, just not entirely succinctly . receive的类型实际上只是一个PartialFunction[Any,Unit]这意味着你可以使用Scala的模式匹配表达式 - 事实上,你已经在做了,只是不完全简洁 A terser equivalent that would also let you handle the type of the match for each case: 一个等同的terser,它也可以让你处理每个案例的匹配类型:

def receive = {
    case classOneMessage : ClassOne => {
        // do something
    case classTwoMessage : ClassTwo => {
      // do something 
    case _ => someCustomLogicHereOtherWiseThereWillBeASilentFailure 
              //you can, but you don't really need to define this case - in Akka 
              //the standard way to go if you want to process unknown messages
              //within *this* actor, is to override the Actor#unhandled(Any) 
              //method instead

Read the tour article , and the already-linked tutorial for more info on pattern matching, especially in the context of using the feature together with case classes - this pattern is applied regularly when working with Akka, for example here in the Akka manual when handling the ActorIdentity case class . 阅读旅游文章已经链接的教程 ,了解有关模式匹配的更多信息,特别是在将该功能与案例类一起使用的背景下 - 这种模式在使用Akka时会定期应用,例如处理Akka手册ActorIdentity案例类

receive is a regular partial function in Scala. receive是Scala中的常规部分函数。 You can write something like this in your case: 你可以在你的情况下写这样的东西:

  case class Example(number: Int, text: String)

  override def receive = {
    case message: ClassOne =>
      // do something with ClassOne instance
    case message: ClassTwo =>
      // do something with ClassTwo instance
    case Example(n, t) =>
      println(t * n)
    case Example(n, t) if n > 10 =>
      println("special case")

You don't have to include a special case for unhandled messages unless your application logic requires you to handle all possible messages. 除非您的应用程序逻辑要求您处理所有可能的消息,否则您不必为未处理的消息包含特殊情况。

First two cases just match by type of a message and subtypes will be matched as well. 前两种情况只是按消息类型匹配,子类型也将匹配。 Last one not only matches the type Example but also "deconstructs" it using pattern matching. 最后一个不仅匹配类型Example而且还使用模式匹配“解构”它。

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