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Luaj试图索引? (函数值)

[英]Luaj attempt to index ? (a function value)

I am trying to compile Lua code that has two functions which I want to invoke and get some information from but when I use invokemethod on the LuaValue object, I get this error 我正在尝试编译具有两个函数的Lua代码,我想调用它们并从中获取一些信息,但是当我在LuaValue对象上使用invokemethod时,出现此错误

LuaError: attempt to index ? LuaError:尝试索引? (a function value) (函数值)

The code is inside a LuaScript class I created for convenience 该代码位于我为方便起见而创建的LuaScript类中

This method is first called to compile the file 首先调用此方法来编译文件

public void compile(File file) {
    try {
        Globals globals = JmePlatform.standardGlobals();
        compiledcode = globals.load(new FileReader(file), "script");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

And then this is used to invoke the function getSameTiles from my lua script 然后用于从我的lua脚本中调用函数getSameTiles

public Object invoke(String func, Object... parameters) {
    if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) {
        LuaValue[] values = new LuaValue[parameters.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
            values[i] = CoerceJavaToLua.coerce(parameters[i]);
        return compiledcode.invokemethod(func, LuaValue.listOf(values));
    } else
        return compiledcode.invokemethod(func);

The error LuaError: attempt to index ? (a function value) 错误LuaError: attempt to index ? (a function value) LuaError: attempt to index ? (a function value) occurs at the line return compiledcode.invokemethod(func); LuaError: attempt to index ? (a function value)出现在return compiledcode.invokemethod(func);的行中return compiledcode.invokemethod(func); where "getSameTiles" is passed as the string for func 其中"getSameTiles"作为func的字符串传递

This is my Lua code 这是我的Lua代码

function getSameTiles()
    --My code here

There are a couple of issues that needed fixing. 有几个问题需要解决。

Firstly, in lua, load() returns a function which you'd then need to call to execute the script. 首先,在lua中, load()返回一个函数,然后您需要调用该函数来执行脚本。

Secondly, what the script does is add a function to the global table _G . 其次,脚本要做的是向全局表_G添加一个函数。 In order to invoke that function you'll need to get the function from the Globals table and call that. 为了调用该函数,您需要从Globals表中获取该函数并进行调用。

The following code does this 以下代码执行此操作

Globals globals = JmePlatform.standardGlobals();

public void compile(File file) {
    try {
        globals.load(new FileReader(file), "script").call();
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

public Object invoke(String func, Object... parameters) {
    if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) {
        LuaValue[] values = new LuaValue[parameters.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
            values[i] = CoerceJavaToLua.coerce(parameters[i]);
        return globals.get(func).call(LuaValue.listOf(values));
    } else
        return globals.get(func).call();

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