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[英]VB.NET Imports without project name

My form only works when I use 我的表格仅在使用时有效

Imports WindowsApplication1.FrameGrabber

but not when I use 但是当我使用

Imports FrameGrabber

I will be using the FrameGrabber in several different projects, so I would really prefer having only to say "Imports FrameGrabber". 我将在几个不同的项目中使用FrameGrabber,所以我真的更愿意只说“导入FrameGrabber”。

My "FrameGrabber / CameraWindow" is defined like this: 我的“ FrameGrabber / CameraWindow”的定义如下:

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Threading

Namespace FrameGrabber
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Summary description for CameraWindow.
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class CameraWindow
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Control
        Private m_camera As Camera = Nothing
        Private m_autosize As Boolean = False
        Private needSizeUpdate As Boolean = False
        Private firstFrame As Boolean = True

        ' AutoSize property
        <DefaultValue(False)> _
        Public Overrides Property AutoSize() As Boolean
                Return m_autosize
            End Get
            Set(value As Boolean)
                m_autosize = value
            End Set
        End Property

        ' Camera property
        <Browsable(False)> _
        Public Property Camera() As Camera
                Return m_camera
            End Get
            Set(value As Camera)
                ' lock

                ' detach event
                If m_camera IsNot Nothing Then
                    RemoveHandler m_camera.NewFrame, AddressOf Me.pCameraWindow_NewFrame
                End If

                m_camera = value
                needSizeUpdate = True
                firstFrame = True

                ' atach event
                If m_camera IsNot Nothing Then
                    AddHandler m_camera.NewFrame, AddressOf Me.pCameraWindow_NewFrame
                End If

                ' unlock
            End Set
        End Property

        ' Constructor
        Public Sub New()

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.UserPaint, True)
        End Sub

#Region "Windows Form Designer generated code"
        Private Sub InitializeComponent()

        End Sub
#End Region

        ' Paint control
        Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(pe As PaintEventArgs)
            If (needSizeUpdate) OrElse (firstFrame) Then
                needSizeUpdate = False
            End If

            ' lock

            Dim g As Graphics = pe.Graphics
            Dim rc As Rectangle = Me.ClientRectangle

            If m_camera IsNot Nothing Then

                    ' draw frame
                    If m_camera.LastFrame IsNot Nothing Then
                        g.DrawImage(m_camera.LastFrame, rc.X + 1, rc.Y + 1, rc.Width - 2, rc.Height - 2)
                        firstFrame = False
                        ' Create font and brush
                        Dim drawFont As New Font("Arial", 12)
                        Dim drawBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.White)

                        g.DrawString("Connecting ...", drawFont, drawBrush, New System.Drawing.PointF(5, 5))

                    End If
                Catch generatedExceptionName As Exception
                End Try
            End If

            ' unlock

        End Sub
        Public Function getImage() As Image

            If Not m_camera Is Nothing Then
                If Not m_camera.LastFrame Is Nothing Then
                    Return m_camera.LastFrame
                End If
            End If

            Return Nothing

        End Function
        ' Update position and size of the control
        Public Sub UpdatePosition()
            ' lock

            If (m_autosize) AndAlso (Me.Parent IsNot Nothing) Then
                Dim rc As Rectangle = Me.Parent.ClientRectangle
                Dim width As Integer = 320
                Dim height As Integer = 240

                If m_camera IsNot Nothing Then

                    ' get frame dimension
                    If m_camera.LastFrame IsNot Nothing Then
                        width = m_camera.LastFrame.Width
                        height = m_camera.LastFrame.Height
                    End If
                End If

                Me.Location = New Point((rc.Width - width - 2) \ 2, (rc.Height - height - 2) \ 2)
                Me.Size = New Size(width + 2, height + 2)

            End If
            ' unlock
        End Sub

        ' On new frame ready
        Private Sub pCameraWindow_NewFrame(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace

Thank you for the help! 感谢您的帮助!

You need to change the Root Namespace for your project or override it. 您需要为您的项目更改Root命名空间或对其进行覆盖。 When you wrap your class in a Namespace block (eg Namespace FrameGrabber ), the given namespace is relative to the root namespace for your project. 当您将类包装在Namespace块(例如Namespace FrameGrabber )中时,给定的名称空间是相对于项目的根名称空间的。 In other words, if your root namespace is WindowsApplication1 , then when you say Namespace FrameGrabber , all the enclosed types will actually be in the WindowsApplication1.FrameGrabber namespace. 换句话说,如果您的根命名空间是WindowsApplication1 ,那么当您说Namespace FrameGrabber ,所有包含的类型实际上将在WindowsApplication1.FrameGrabber命名空间中。

If you want to override the root name space for one section of code, you can use the Global keyword so that the namespace declaration is not relative, like this: 如果要覆盖一段代码的根名称空间,则可以使用Global关键字,以便命名空间声明不是相对的,如下所示:

Namespace Global.FrameGrabber
    ' ...
End Namespace

Using the Global keyword in your namespace declaration, like that, to override the root namespace seems to be a recent addition to VB.NET, though. 像这样,在名称空间声明中使用Global关键字来覆盖根名称空间似乎是VB.NET的新增功能。 From what I can tell, based on the inclusion of the information about it in the MSDN article , support for that was added in Visual Studio 2012. You can also find information on it in this MSDN article : 据我所知,基于MSDN文章中有关该信息的信息,Visual Studio 2012中已添加了对此信息的支持。您还可以在此MSDN文章中找到有关信息:

The Global keyword can also be used in a Namespace statement. Global关键字也可以在命名空间语句中使用。 This lets you define a namespace out of the root namespace of your project. 这使您可以在项目的根名称空间之外定义名称空间。 For more information, see the "Global Keyword in Namespace Statements" section in Namespaces in Visual Basic. 有关更多信息,请参见Visual Basic中命名空间中的“命名空间语句中的全局关键字”部分。

Another option is to remove the root namespace from your project properties and then declare the full namespace on each and every code file in your project. 另一个选择是从项目属性中删除根名称空间,然后在项目中的每个代码文件上声明完整的名称空间。 The setting can be found in the project settings designer screen: My Project > Application > Root namespace . 该设置可以在项目设置设计器屏幕中找到: 我的项目 > 应用程序 > 根名称空间

Either that or come up with a naming convention that is more conducive to VB.NET's eccentricity. 要么这样做,要么提出更有利于VB.NET怪异性的命名约定。 For instance, if you made the root namespace for your project your company name, then MyCompany.FrameGrabber would certainly make more sense than WindowsApplication1.FrameGrabber . 例如,如果将项目的根名称空间用作公司名称,那么MyCompany.FrameGrabber当然比WindowsApplication1.FrameGrabber更有意义。

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