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[英]How to plot binary states time-series in R?

My data is some time-stamped binary states. 我的数据是带有时间戳的二进制状态。 Eg, 例如,

31/01/2014 00:00:04, 1 2014年1月31日00:00:04,1

31/01/2014 00:00:09, 0 31/01/2014 00:00:09,0

31/01/2014 00:00:13, 1 2014年1月31日00:00:13,1

The state will always form 1 to 0 and then from 0 to 1. 状态将始终从1到0,然后从0到1。

I want to plot a horizontal line at level 1 (y-axis), from time 00:04 to 00:09. 我想从时间00:04到00:09在级别1(y轴)上绘制一条水平线。

And plot a horizontal line at level 0 from time 00:09 to 00:13. 并从时间00:09到00:13在0级绘制一条水平线。

A vertical line shall be at the time of transaction. 垂直线应在交易时。

Is there any way to plot this? 有什么办法可以画出来吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

EDIT: changed geom_segment to geom_step 编辑:将geom_segment更改为geom_step

# data
a <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
mydf <- data.frame(time=seq(a,a+50,by=10),state=0:1)


ggplot(mydf) +   geom_step( aes(x=time , y=state ))


plot(yourData$time, yourData$state, type="s") plots the stairs you want. plot(yourData$time, yourData$state, type="s")绘制所需的楼梯。 Capital type="S" does it towards the other side. 大写type="S"朝向另一侧。

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