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[英]Scrolling moves a video div to another position on the page

i'm at a loss with how they do this on Ted's new website. 我对他们在Ted的新网站上的操作方式一无所知。 You can see an example here if you click play on the video and then scroll down: 如果您单击视频上的播放然后向下滚动,则可以在此处看到示例:

http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_soghoian_government_surveillance_this_is_just_the_beginning http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_soghoian_government_surveillance_this_is_just_the_beginning

I'm trying to achieve the exact same thing, i have a large JWplayer element and when you scroll past the player it moves the video player into a new location with a fixed header. 我正在尝试实现完全相同的目标,我有一个很大的JWplayer元素,当您滚动到播放器上方时,它将视频播放器移动到具有固定标题的新位置。 Anyone know of any tricks on how to do this nice and smoothly like on Ted? 任何人都知道如何像Ted上那样流畅流畅地完成此操作吗?

I've been working on something like this to make it fixed, but this just makes it go from inline to fixed, when really i want to move the div all together to a different fixed element that slides out like Ted's. 我一直在进行类似的工作以使其固定,但这只是使它从内联变为固定,当我真的想将div一起移动到像Ted一样滑出的另一个固定元素上时。

var menuOffset = jQuery('nav')[0].offsetTop;
$(this).bind('scroll',function() {
  var docScroll = jQuery(document).scrollTop();
  if(docScroll >= menuOffset) {
  } else {

Thanks so much for your help! 非常感谢你的帮助!

I've had a look at their code 我看过他们的代码

* Use your favorate web inspector tools ie Chrome Dev Tools * 使用您喜欢的网络检查工具,例如Chrome开发工具


    -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.4) 0 0 16px;
    box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.4) 0 0 16px;
    background: #FFF;
    color: #111;
    display: block;
    font-weight: 700;
    height: 72px;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 10;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

They add the class talk-hero--pip-on onto the following 他们将class talk-hero--pip-on到以下内容

 <div class="talk-hero talk-hero--playing" id="talk-hero">

making the class name as follows 使类名如下

 <div class="talk-hero talk-hero--playing talk-hero--pip-on" id="talk-hero">

I'm assuming that based on the user's scroll position, that the class name is added - so you should find a similar class name within their CSS to account for that change of view. 我假设基于用户的滚动位置,添加了类名-因此,您应该在其CSS中找到一个类似的类名,以应对这种视图更改。

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