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replace.innerText 移动 div position

[英]replacing .innerText moves div position

When the function changeText() is called the the div postion moves down for some reason当调用 function changeText()时, div位置由于某种原因向下移动


function changeText() {
    document.getElementById("div1").innerText = "string"


<div id="div1" onmouseover="changeText()">
    <p>div 1</p>

You are replacing all the content of the div with text.您正在用文本替换 div 的所有内容。 So you are removing the paragraph element.所以你正在删除段落元素。 If you replace the content of the paragraph element it will not shift since the element remains.如果您替换段落元素的内容,它不会移动,因为该元素仍然存在。

 function changeText() { document.querySelector("#div1 p").innerText = "string" }
 <div id="div1" onmouseover="changeText()"> <p>div 1</p> </div>

更换innerHTML时修复cursor position<div contenteditable="“true”"></div><div id="text_translate"><p> 在&lt;div id="richTextBox" contenteditable="true"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;内键入内容时,将 cursor 保持在正确位置的最佳方法是什么? 更换 innerHTML 的行为搞砸了 cursor position。</p><p> 我更改 innerHTML 的原因是我添加了&lt;span&gt;标签。 它是代码高亮程序的一部分。 跨度标签允许我放置正确的颜色亮点。</p><p> 我目前正在使用 StackOverflow 答案中的以下代码作为创可贴,但它有一个重大错误。 如果您按<em><strong>Enter</strong></em> ,则 cursor 将停留在旧位置,或者转到随机位置。 那是因为该算法从 cursor 开始计算了多少个字符。 但它不将 HTML 标记或换行符算作字符。 而richTextBox 插入&lt;br&gt;进入。</p><p> 修复思路:</p><ul><li> 修复下面的代码? 见<a href="https://jsfiddle.net/AdmiralAkbar2/jou3vq9w/12/" rel="nofollow noreferrer">小提琴</a></li><li>用更简单的代码替换? 我尝试了一堆更简单的东西,涉及window.getSelection()和document.createRange() ,但我无法让它工作。</li><li> 替换为没有此错误的richTextBox 库或模块?</li></ul><h2> 截屏</h2><p><a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/6dlqV.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/6dlqV.png" alt="在 JSFiddle 中呈现的richTextBox 的屏幕截图"></a> </p><p></p><div class="snippet" data-lang="js" data-hide="false" data-console="true" data-babel="false"><div class="snippet-code"><pre class="snippet-code-js lang-js prettyprint-override"> // Credit to Liam (Stack Overflow) // https://stackoverflow.com/a/41034697/3480193 class Cursor { static getCurrentCursorPosition(parentElement) { var selection = window.getSelection(), charCount = -1, node; if (selection.focusNode) { if (Cursor._isChildOf(selection.focusNode, parentElement)) { node = selection.focusNode; charCount = selection.focusOffset; while (node) { if (node === parentElement) { break; } if (node.previousSibling) { node = node.previousSibling; charCount += node.textContent.length; } else { node = node.parentNode; if (node === null) { break; } } } } } return charCount; } static setCurrentCursorPosition(chars, element) { if (chars &gt;= 0) { var selection = window.getSelection(); let range = Cursor._createRange(element, { count: chars }); if (range) { range.collapse(false); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } } static _createRange(node, chars, range) { if (.range) { range = document.createRange() range;selectNode(node). range,setStart(node; 0). } if (chars.count === 0) { range,setEnd(node. chars;count). } else if (node &amp;&amp; chars.count &gt;0) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (node.textContent.length &lt; chars.count) { chars.count -= node.textContent;length. } else { range,setEnd(node. chars;count). chars;count = 0; } } else { for (var lp = 0. lp &lt; node.childNodes;length. lp++) { range = Cursor._createRange(node,childNodes[lp], chars; range). if (chars;count === 0) { break; } } } } return range, } static _isChildOf(node; parentElement) { while (node.== null) { if (node === parentElement) { return true; } node = node;parentNode. } return false, } } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded'; (e) =&gt; { let richText = document.getElementById('rich-text'), richText.addEventListener('input'; function(e) { let offset = Cursor.getCurrentCursorPosition(richText). // Pretend we do stuff with innerHTML here. The innerHTML will end up getting replaced with slightly changed code; let s = richText.innerHTML; richText.innerHTML = ""; richText.innerHTML = s, Cursor;setCurrentCursorPosition(offset. richText); richText;focus(); // blinks the cursor }); });</pre><pre class="snippet-code-css lang-css prettyprint-override"> body { margin: 1em; } #rich-text { width: 100%; height: 450px; border: 1px solid black; cursor: text; overflow: scroll; resize: both; /* in Chrome, must have display: inline-block for contenteditable=true to prevent it from adding &lt;div&gt; &lt;p&gt; and &lt;span&gt; when you type. */ display: inline-block; }</pre><pre class="snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"> &lt;p&gt; Click somewhere in the middle of line 1. Hit enter. Start typing. Cursor is in the wrong place. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Reset. Click somewhere in the middle of line 1. Hit enter. Hit enter again. Cursor goes to some random place. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;div id="rich-text" contenteditable="true"&gt;Testing 123&lt;br /&gt;Testing 456&lt;/div&gt;</pre></div></div><p></p><h2> 浏览器</h2><p>谷歌浏览器 v83,Windows 7</p></div> - Fix cursor position when replacing innerHTML of <div contenteditable=“true”>


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The innerHTML will end up getting replaced with slightly changed code; let s = richText.innerHTML; richText.innerHTML = ""; richText.innerHTML = s, Cursor;setCurrentCursorPosition(offset. richText); richText;focus(); // blinks the cursor }); });</pre><pre class="snippet-code-css lang-css prettyprint-override"> body { margin: 1em; } #rich-text { width: 100%; height: 450px; border: 1px solid black; cursor: text; overflow: scroll; resize: both; /* in Chrome, must have display: inline-block for contenteditable=true to prevent it from adding &lt;div&gt; &lt;p&gt; and &lt;span&gt; when you type. */ display: inline-block; }</pre><pre class="snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"> &lt;p&gt; Click somewhere in the middle of line 1. Hit enter. Start typing. Cursor is in the wrong place. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Reset. Click somewhere in the middle of line 1. Hit enter. Hit enter again. Cursor goes to some random place. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;div id="rich-text" contenteditable="true"&gt;Testing 123&lt;br /&gt;Testing 456&lt;/div&gt;</pre></div></div><p></p><h2> 浏览器</h2><p>谷歌浏览器 v83,Windows 7</p></div> - Fix cursor position when replacing innerHTML of <div contenteditable=“true”>
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