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[英]R : Getting the sum of columns in a data.frame group by a certain column

I have a sample data.frame as below, I want to create another data.frame that contains the statistical information of that table by a certain column, how can I do that? 我有一个示例data.frame,如下所示,我想创建另一个data.frame,它按特定列包含该表的统计信息,我该怎么做?

Like for example in the data.frame below, I like to get the sum of each column by Chart. 像下面的data.frame中的例子一样,我想通过Chart获取每列的总和。

Sample data.frame: 示例数据框:

Chart    Sum     Sum_Squares    Count     Average
Chart1   2           4            4         1
Chart1   3           9            3         1.5
Chart2   4           16           5         2
Chart2   5           25           2         2.5

Desired output: 所需的输出:

Chart    Sum_sum      Sum_square_sum      Count_sum      Average_sum
Chart1      5              13                 7              2.5
Chart2      9              41                 7              4.5

I have tried below code but the return table only contains Chart and V1. 我试过下面的代码,但返回表仅包含Chart和V1。 sum_stat is the data.frame sum_stat是data.frame

  sum_stat = data.table(spc_point[,c("CHART", "SUM", "SUM_SQUARES", "COUNT", "AVERAGE")])[,c(SUM_SUM=sum(SUM), SUM_SQUARE_SUM=sum(SUM_SQUARES), COUNT_SUM=sum(COUNT), AVERAGE_SUM=sum(AVERAGE)),by=list(CHART)]

Thanks ahead 提前谢谢

I'm going to advocate using data.table. 我将提倡使用data.table。 try this: 尝试这个:

data<-data.table("Chart"=c("Chart1","Chart1","Chart2","Chart2"), "Sum"=c(2,3,4,5),"Sum_Squares"=c(4,9,16,25),"Count"=c(4,3,5,2),"Average"=c(1,1.5,2,2.5),key="Chart")

and then simply: 然后简单地:


find data.table package, read vignette and faq - use it :) 找到data.table包,阅读插图和常见问题-使用它:)

You may consider dplyr . 您可以考虑dplyr Suppose df is your data frame, the following will produce the desired result. 假设df是您的数据帧,则以下将产生所需的结果。

df %.% group_by(Chart) %.% 
              Sum_Squares = sum(Sum_Squares), 
              Count= sum(Count),
              Average= sum(Average))

or it can be laid out like that in data.table too : 或者也可以在data.table这样data.table

dt = as.data.table(df)
dt[, list(Sum=sum(Sum), 
          Sum_Squares = sum(Sum_Squares), 
          Count= sum(Count),
          Average= sum(Average)),

In base R: 在基数R中:

#   Group.1 Sum Sum_Squares Count Average
# 1  Chart1   5          13     7     2.5
# 2  Chart2   9          41     7     4.5

As @AnandaMahto points out, the formula syntax for aggregate(...) is simpler and cleaner. 正如@AnandaMahto所指出的, aggregate(...)的公式语法更简单,更简洁。

aggregate(. ~ Chart, df, sum)
#    Chart Sum Sum_Squares Count Average
# 1 Chart1   5          13     7     2.5
# 2 Chart2   9          41     7     4.5

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