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Codeigniter RESTful API-如何获取参数

[英]Codeigniter RESTful API - How to get parameters

I have this model in my Codeigniter setup: 我的Codeigniter设置中有以下模型:

function get_all_artists(){

    $this->db->select('artist_id, artist_name');
    return $this->db->get();    

How do I fetch those parameters in my Rest_Controller setup? 如何在Rest_Controller设置中获取这些参数? How would the _get() -function look like? _get()函数的外观如何?

public function artists_get()  

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Try 尝试

public function artists_get(){  
  $this->load->model('your_model_name');// load model here
  $res = $this->your_model_name->get_all_artists();
  $result = $res->result_array();// get result as associative array
  return json_encode($result);// encode with json

With this library you need to append the method type to the function name. 使用此库,您需要将方法类型附加到函数名称中。 _get for GET , _post for POST , _put for PUT , _delete for DELETE . _get表示GET_post表示POST_put表示PUT_delete表示DELETE eg functionname_get() . 例如functionname_get()

As noted in another answer you'll want to retrieve results as an array. 如另一个答案中所述,您将希望以数组形式检索结果。 So $this->db->get()->result_array(); 所以$this->db->get()->result_array(); To retrieve data from the model: 要从模型检索数据:


$artists = $this->model_name->get_all_artists();

If you want to send json to front end then you need to do something like this: 如果您想将json发送到前端,则需要执行以下操作:

$vars['artists'] = json_encode($artists);

$this->_getTemplate('default')->build('artists_page', $vars);

If you are using the REST EXTENSION for CodeIgniter then you must create an object and invoke the method "Respose". 如果将REST EXTENSION用于CodeIgniter,则必须创建一个对象并调用方法“ Respose”。

public function artists_get() {
  $response = array(
    'data'=>$result, // This can be an object or array

That's the official way to do it... and it works perfectly! 这是执行此操作的官方方法……而且效果很好!

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