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如何找到一个项目在列表中第 n 次出现的索引?

[英]How to find the index of the nth time an item appears in a list?


x = ['w', 'e', 's', 's', 's', 'z','z', 's']

Each occurrence of s appears at the following indices: s每次出现都出现在以下索引处:

1st: 2第一名:2
2nd: 3第二名:3
3rd: 4第三名:4
4th: 7第四名:7

If I do x.index('s') I will get the 1st index.如果我做x.index('s')我会得到第一个索引。

How do I get the index of the 4th s ?如何获得第 4 s的索引?

Using list comprehension andenumerate :使用列表理解enumerate

>>> x = [ 'w', 'e', 's', 's', 's', 'z','z', 's']
>>> [i for i, n in enumerate(x) if n == 's'][0]
>>> [i for i, n in enumerate(x) if n == 's'][1]
>>> [i for i, n in enumerate(x) if n == 's'][2]
>>> [i for i, n in enumerate(x) if n == 's'][3]

If you didn't want to store the indices for each occurrence, or wanted to work with arbitrary iterables then something like:如果您不想为每次出现存储索引,或者想使用任意可迭代对象,则类似于:

from itertools import islice

def nth_index(iterable, value, n):
    matches = (idx for idx, val in enumerate(iterable) if val == value)
    return next(islice(matches, n-1, n), None)

x = [ 'w', 'e', 's', 's', 's', 'z','z', 's']
idx = nth_index(x, 's', 4)
# 7

Note there's a default value of None there in the next .请注意, next有一个默认值None You may wish to change that to something else, or remove it and catch the StopIteration and raise as another more suitable exception ( ValueError for instance, so that it ties up more with list.index behaviour).您可能希望将其更改为其他内容,或者将其删除并捕获StopIteration并将其作为另一个更合适的异常引发(例如ValueError ,以便它与list.index行为有更多联系)。

For getting the index of the items:获取项目的索引:

return [index for index, char in enumerate(x) if char == 's']

For getting the character itself:获取角色本身:

return [char for index, char in enumerate(x) if char == 's']

Or to get tuples of character/index pairs: (Thanks to falsetru for pointing out a simpler solution)或者获取字符/索引对的元组:(感谢 falsetru 指出一个更简单的解决方案)

pairs = [(index, char) for index, char in enumerate(x) if char == 's']
def find_nth_character(str1, substr, n):
    """find the index of the nth substr in string str1""" 
    k = 0
    for index, c in enumerate(str1):
        #print index, c, n  # test
        if c == substr:
            k += 1
            if k == n:
                return index

str1 = "B.765.A87_43.Left.9878.xx8"
substr = '.'
occurance = 4

print "%s #%d at index %d" % (substr, occurance, find_nth_character(str1, substr, occurance))

Here is a more Pythonic approach using itertools.count and a generator expression:这是使用itertools.count和生成器表达式的更 Pythonic 的方法:

In [24]: def get_nth_index(lst, item, n):
    ...:     c = count()
    ...:     return next(i for i, j in enumerate(x) if j=='s' and next(c) == n-1)


In [25]: get_nth_index(x, 's', 2)
Out[25]: 3

In [26]: get_nth_index(x, 's', 3)
Out[26]: 4

In [27]: get_nth_index(x, 's', 4)
Out[27]: 7

In [28]: get_nth_index(x, 's', 5)
StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-fc4e5e8c31ef> in <module>()
----> 1 get_nth_index(x, 's', 5)

<ipython-input-24-5394f79b3c30> in get_nth_index(lst, item, n)
      1 def get_nth_index(lst, item, n):
      2     c = count()
----> 3     return next(i for i, j in enumerate(x) if j=='s' and next(c) == n-1)


In [29]: 

As you can see, it will raise an StopIteration exception in case it can't find a match.如您所见,如果找不到匹配项,它将引发StopIteration异常。 You can also pass a default argument to next() function to return a default value instead of raising exception.您还可以将默认参数传递给next()函数以返回默认值而不是引发异常。

simply we can extend the functionality of the built-in list class.我们可以简单地扩展内置列表类的功能。 by inheriting it.通过继承它。

In [64]: class List(list):
       :     def __init__(self, *val):
       :         self.extend(list(val))
       :     def findidx(self, val, n=None):
       :         '''return the occurances of an object in a list'''
       :         if n == None:
       :             return [i for i, v in enumerate(self) if v == val]
       :         return [i for i, v in enumerate(self) if v == val][n]

and there are two ways to use this class.有两种方法可以使用这个类。 see in the following example to understand.看下面的例子来理解。

In [65]: c = List(4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 5, 4 ,4) # enter the elements of the list as a argument

In [69]: c.findidx(4, 0) # search 4's 0th(1) occurance
Out[69]: 0

In [72]: c.findidx(4, 1) # find 4's 1st(2) occurance
Out[72]: 6


In [66]: c.findidx(4) # find all occurances of 4
Out[66]: [0, 6, 7]

In [67]: c.findidx(4)[0] # first occurance
Out[67]: 0

In [67]: c.findidx(4)[2] # third occurance
Out[67]: 7

In [69]: c[0]# for verification
Out[69]: 4

In [70]: c[7]
Out[70]: 4

` `

You can use this to find in last position您可以使用它来查找最后一个位置

where a is the array其中 a 是数组


You can increase the number to -2 or -3 to find the position of the desired number from last您可以将数字增加到 -2 或 -3 以从最后找到所需数字的位置

NOTE: The list must be sorted.注意:必须对列表进行排序。 You can sort it with sort ()您可以使用 sort() 对其进行排序

eg: a.sort()例如: a.sort()

for more inbuilt function in list click here有关列表中的更多内置功能,请单击此处

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