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[英]Javascript division returns incorrect numbers

I am trying to create a simple webpage for class where users can calculate baseball metric stats. 我正在尝试为课程创建一个简单的网页,用户可以在其中计算棒球指标统计信息。 I currently have the following HTML: 我目前有以下HTML:

    <h2>BABIP calculator</h2>

    <p class="extra">If number of sacrifice flies is not known it can be left blank and the BABIP calculation should still be fairly accurate as sacrifice flies typically account for a very small amount of At-Bats</p>
    <form id="BABIPform">
            <label for="hits">Hits</label>
            <input type="text" name="hits" id="hits" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="homeruns">Homeruns</label>
            <input type="text" name="homerunsBABIP" id="homerunsBABIP" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="atBats">At-Bats</label>
            <input type="text" name="atBats" id="atBatsBABIP" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="k">Strikeouts</label>
            <input type="text" name="k" id="k" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="sf">Sacrifice Flies</label>
            <input type="text" name="sf" id="sf" value="0" min="0">
            <label for="babip">BABIP</label>
            <input type="text" name="babip" id="babip" disabled>
            <input type="submit" value="Calculate" id="submitBABIP">
        <h2>ISO calculator</h2>

    <p class="extra">ISO is a metric used to determine a player's raw power ouput more accurately than the standard SLG % by disregarding singles</p>
    <form id="ISOform">
            <label for="doubles">2B</label>
            <input type="text" name="doubles" id="doubles" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="triples">3B</label>
            <input type="text" name="triples" id="triples" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="homeruns">HR</label>
            <input type="text" name="homeruns" id="homerunsISO" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="atBats">At-Bats</label>
            <input type="text" name="atBats" id="atBatsISO" value="0" min="0" required>
            <label for="iso">ISO</label>
            <input type="text" name="iso" id="iso" disabled>
            <input type="submit" value="Calculate" id="submitISO">

And the following JS to go with it. 和以下JS一起使用。

function calculateBABIP() {
    'use strict';
    var BABIP;
    var AB = document.getElementById('atBatsBABIP').value;
    var H = document.getElementById('hits').value;
    var HR = document.getElementById('homerunsBABIP').value;
    var K = document.getElementById('k').value;
    var SF = document.getElementById('sf').value;
    BABIP = ((H-HR)/(AB-K-HR+SF)) 
    BABIP = BABIP.toFixed(3);
    document.getElementById('babip').value = BABIP;
    return false;

function initBABIP() {
    'use strict';
    var BABIPform = document.getElementById('BABIPform');
    BABIPform.onsubmit = calculateBABIP;

function calculateISO() {
    'use strict';
    var ISO;
    var doubles = document.getElementById('doubles').value;
    var triples= document.getElementById('triples').value;
    var HR = document.getElementById('homerunsISO').value;
    var AB = document.getElementById('atBatsISO').value;
    ISO = ((doubles)+(2*triples)+(3*HR))/AB;
    ISO = ISO.toFixed(3);
    document.getElementById('iso').value = ISO;
    return false;

function initISO() {
    'use strict';
    var ISOform = document.getElementById('ISOform');
    ISOform.onsubmit = calculateISO;

The issue is different with the two forms. 两种形式的问题不同。 For my first form (BABIPform) I tested a simple example of 30 hits in 60 at-bats which should equate to .500 however it places extra 0s before the answer so it formats as 0.050. 对于我的第一个表格(BABIPform),我测试了一个简单的示例,该示例在60个击球中击中30个命中点,应等于.500,但是它将答案前加0,因此其格式为0.050。
For the ISOform, I entered 30 doubles, 5 triples, and 20 homeruns in 600 at-bats and the function returned 501.767 instead of .166. 对于ISO格式,我在600次击球中输入了30次双打,5次三联和20次本垒打,该函数返回501.767而不是.166。 I searched pretty thoroughly in the questions here and didn't find anything that quite described the issue and have tried manipulating my equations but cannot find the cause. 我在这里的问题中进行了彻底的搜索,没有找到任何能描述问题的东西,并且试图操纵我的方程式但找不到原因。 Any help or if someone knows a tool that will show me what is being executed a la python tutor type program that would be much appreciated. 任何帮助,或者如果有人知道某个工具,它将向我展示正在执行的la python家教类型程序,将不胜感激。

You're running into a common JavaScript gotcha which is that + serves as both the addition operator and the string concatenation operator. 您遇到了一个常见的JavaScript 陷阱 ,即+用作加法运算符和字符串串联运算符。 When you pull the values out of the form, they are strings, and this expression: 当您从表单中拉出值时,它们是字符串,并且是以下表达式:

AB - K - HR + SF

...returns "600" for the values you entered. ...为您输入的值返回"600" This is literally the combination of the strings "60" and "0" . 这实际上是字符串"60""0" In other words, the subtractions are performed as you expect, but there's no addition (it's string concatenation). 换句话说,减法是按您期望的那样执行的,但是没有加法(它是字符串连接)。

To fix this, you should first convert all numeric strings to numbers (using, for example, parseInt ); 要解决此问题,您应该首先将所有数字字符串转换为数字(例如使用parseInt );

Your second problem might look different, but it's caused by the same thing. 您的第二个问题可能看起来有所不同,但这是由同一件事引起的。 You just need to convert your strings before performing arithmetic on them. 您只需要在对字符串执行算术之前就将其转换。

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