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[英]Passing different languages to PHP listener script

I'm starting to make a simple API for my software. 我开始为我的软件制作一个简单的API。 I want it to be available in cURL, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java and Node. 我希望它可以在cURL,Ruby,Python,PHP,Java和Node中使用。

It will pass only a few strings to a global PHP script, let's say https://api.domain.com (installed on Apache2). 它将仅将少量字符串传递给全局PHP脚本,例如https://api.domain.com (安装在Apache2上)。 Is it possible? 可能吗? Can the PHP receive information from other languages? PHP可以从其他语言接收信息吗?

HTTP is HTTP. HTTP是HTTP。 The programming languages used to write the client, the server and any programs that the server accesses have no bearing on their ability to communicate with each other through the standard protocol. 用于编写客户端,服务器和服务器访问的任何程序的编程语言与它们通过标准协议相互通信的能力无关。

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