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[英]Cgi-bin script to cat a file owned by a user

I'm using Ubuntu server and I have a cgi-bin script doing the following . 我正在使用Ubuntu服务器,并且有一个执行以下操作的cgi-bin脚本。 . .

echo Content-type: text/plain
echo ""
cat /home/user/.program/logs/file.log | tail -400  | col -b > /tmp/o.txt
cat /tmp/o.txt

Now if I run this script with I am "su" the script fills o.txt and then the host.com/cgi-bin/script runs but only shows up to the point I last ran it from the CLI 现在,如果我以“ su”身份运行此脚本,则该脚本将填充o.txt,然后host.com/cgi-bin/script会运行,但只会显示到我上一次从CLI运行该脚本的那一点

My apache error log is showing "permission denied" errors. 我的Apache错误日志显示“权限被拒绝”错误。 So I know the user apache is running under somehow cannot cat this file. 所以我知道用户apache在某种程度上无法运行。 I tried using chown to no avail. 我尝试使用chown无济于事。 Since this file is in a user directory, what is the best way to either duplicate it or symbolic link it or what? 由于此文件位于用户目录中,因此最好的复制或符号链接方式是什么?

I even considered running the script as root in a crontab to sort of "update" the file in /tmp/ but that did not work for me. 我什至考虑在crontab中以根用户身份运行脚本,以“更新” / tmp /中的文件,但这对我不起作用。 How would somebody experienced with cgi-bin handle access to a file in a users directory? 熟悉cgi-bin的人将如何处理对用户目录中文件的访问?

The Apache user www-data does not have write access to a temporary file owned by another user. Apache用户www-data对另一个用户拥有的临时文件没有写访问权。

But in this particular case, no temporary file is required. 但是在这种特殊情况下,不需要临时文件。

tail -n 400 logfile | col -b

However, if Apache is running in a restricted chroot , it also has no access to /home . 但是,如果Apache在受限制的chroot运行,则它也无权访问/home

The log file needs to be chmod o+r and all directories leading down to it should be chmod o+x . 日志文件必须为chmod o+r ,所有指向该目录的目录都应为chmod o+x Make sure you understand the implications of this! 确保您了解此含义! If the user has a reason to want to prevent access to an intermediate directory, having read access to the file itself will not suffice. 如果用户有理由要阻止对中间目录的访问,则对文件本身的读取访问权将不足。 (Making something have www-data as its group owner is possible in theory, but impractical and pointless, as anybody who finds the CGI script will have access to the file anyway.) (从理论上说,使某物具有www-data作为其组所有者是可能的,但是不切实际且毫无意义,因为找到CGI脚本的任何人都将始终可以访问该文件。)

More generally, if you do need a temporary file, the simple fix (not even workaround) is to generate a unique temporary file name, and remove it afterwards. 更一般而言,如果确实需要临时文件,则简单的解决方法(甚至不是解决方法)是生成唯一的临时文件名,然后将其删除。

temp=$(mktemp -t cgi.XXXXXXXX) || exit $?
trap 'rm -f "$temp"' 0
trap 'exit 127' 1 2 15

tail -n 400 logfile | col -b >"$temp"

The first trap makes sure the file is removed when the script terminates. 第一个trap确保在脚本终止时删除文件。 The second makes sure the first trap runs if the script is interrupted or killed. 第二个确保脚本被中断或杀死时,第一个trap运行。

I would be inclined to change the program that creates the log in the first place and write it to some place visible to Apache - maybe through symbolic links. 我倾向于更改首先创建日志的程序,并将其写入Apache可见的某个位置-也许通过符号链接。

For example: 例如:

ln -s /var/www/cgi-bin/logs /home/user/.program/logs

So your program continues to write to /home/user/.program/logs but the data actually lands in /var/www/cgi-bin/logs where Apache can read it. 因此,您的程序继续写入/home/user/.program/logs但是数据实际上位于Apache可以读取的/var/www/cgi-bin/logs中。

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