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CentOS 6.5中的cgi-bin

[英]cgi-bin within CentOS 6.5

All, 所有,

I have got an LAMP server from Rackspace with CentOS 6.5 and I am following a document and I cannot find my cgi-bin folder. 我从Rackspace获得了带有CentOS 6.5的LAMP服务器,并且正在关注文档,但是找不到cgi-bin文件夹。 Apache is installed within LAMP. Apache已安装在LAMP中。 but I cannot find the cgi-bin.. Is there any commands I need to add to get this installed ? 但是我找不到cgi-bin。是否需要添加任何命令以进行安装? I am complete Newbie to LINUX. 我是LINUX的新手。

It should be under 应该在


You could also try executing this 您也可以尝试执行此

           find -name "*cgi-bin*"

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