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如何在没有依赖的情况下构建 harfbuzz

[英]How build harfbuzz without dependencies

I want build latest harfbuzz-ng library on Windows 7. But in build system by default I must go through long quest to gain: ragel , pkg-config , gtkdocize and other stuff.我想在 Windows 7 上构建最新的harfbuzz-ng库。但在默认情况下,在构建系统中,我必须经过长期的探索才能获得: ragelpkg-configgtkdocize和其他东西。 Even in the end if I get all what need for build system I get errors (sorry cannot say which concrete errors), last time I tried to build this library 2 month ago).即使最后我得到了构建系统所需的所有东西,我也会收到错误(对不起,不能说具体的错误),上次我尝试构建这个库是在 2 个月前)。 Maybe on Linux system it is easy to get and build all this stuff but on Windows always something doesn't want to be compiled.也许在 Linux 系统上很容易获得和构建所有这些东西,但在 Windows 上总是有些东西不想被编译。 Or the problem is that I don't find instructions which guide me on Windows, only Linux.或者问题是我没有找到在 Windows 上指导我的说明,只有 Linux。

What I want to get is simple instructions how build only harfbuzz-ng with freetype dependency (and maybe add ICU ) by MinGW compiler on Windows.我想得到的是简单的说明,如何通过 Windows 上的MinGW编译器仅构建具有freetype依赖项的harfbuzz-ng (并可能添加ICU )。

Thanks you very much.非常感谢你。

对于阅读本文的任何人,请查看项目中的 harfbuzz.cc,它使您能够在没有任何构建系统的情况下使用 harfbuzz,只需将其包含在您的源之一中,不需要构建系统,定义 HB_NO_MT 甚至 HB_TINY(它带来最小的 harfbuzz)如果您不在多线程模式下使用 harfbuzz。

I don't know i this is the answer you are looking for.我不知道我这就是你正在寻找的答案。 I am trying to work with Harfbuzz as well and did this through several attempts which did not work out for various reasons .我也在尝试与 Harfbuzz 合作,并且通过多次尝试但由于各种原因没有成功

One (old) example you could use as a starter is: HarfBuzz static lib .您可以用作入门的一个(旧)示例是: HarfBuzz static lib The .lib-file generated works with UCDN and just needs this file plus a source for the Freetype-functions to provide the necessary FT_Face-parameter (i did this by compiling another .lib via the freetype-sourcecode (freetype.org/download.html).生成的 .lib 文件与 UCDN 一起使用,只需要这个文件加上 Freetype 函数的源来提供必要的 FT_Face 参数(我通过 freetype-sourcecode (freetype.org/download. html)。

But I am unsure if this will work out for the MinGW-compiler (you don't use VC++ as IDE do you??).但我不确定这是否适用于 MinGW 编译器(您不使用 VC++ 作为 IDE,是吗??)。

You may find of interest the MSYS2 build system.您可能会对 MSYS2 构建系统感兴趣。 It is essentially a linux-style packaging system built on top of Windows(TM).它本质上是一个构建在 Windows(TM) 之上的 linux 风格的打包系统。 You can download and install binary packages with simple commands (including automatic dependency solving).您可以使用简单的命令(包括自动依赖解决方案)下载和安装二进制包。 If you want to download a source package you can do that as well.如果你想下载一个源包,你也可以这样做。 http://msys2.github.io http://msys2.github.io

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