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[英]Windows Store App Webservice

I have made my first webservice but now I'am having trouble connecting to it. 我已经完成了第一个Web服务,但是现在无法连接到它。

In my visual studio I did add "Service Reference" and linked my site url to it. 在我的视觉工作室中,我确实添加了“服务参考”,并将我的网站网址链接到了它。

Here on the picture: http://prntscr.com/3108bk , you can see under Service References my web server + you can see clearly that it has an operation 在此处的图片上: http : //prntscr.com/3108bk ,您可以在“我的Web服务器的服务引用”下看到+您可以清楚地看到它有一个操作

My problem is now that I cannot use it in my code. 我的问题是,现在我无法在代码中使用它。 The error I have is: are you missing a reference but I added it into my references! 我的错误是:您是否缺少参考文献,但已将其添加到我的参考文献中!

http://prntscr.com/3108sm http://prntscr.com/3108sm

If you have any idea how I can use this in my code, please help me! 如果您有任何想法如何在代码中使用它,请帮助我!

I think that I found my error, I am trying to connect to my server but I have to make a client first. 我认为我发现了我的错误,我试图连接到服务器,但是我必须先建立一个客户端。 But now I have to problem that I have no clue how to make that client 但是现在我必须要解决的问题是,我不知道如何结交该客户

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22426532/how-to-make-client-web-service https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22426532/how-to-make-client-web-service

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