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IE10/11 使用 transition:-webkit-transform?

[英]IE10/11 uses transition:-webkit-transform?

See this JSBin in IE10 or 11.在 IE10 或 11 中查看此 JSBin

If you inspect the #test element, you'll see that it shows the transition property as -webkit-transform (and the transition does not happen).如果您检查#test元素,您会看到它显示的 transition 属性为-webkit-transform (并且没有发生过渡)。 If you comment out the transition: -webkit-transform;如果您注释掉transition: -webkit-transform; declaration, as shown here , then the transition works.声明,如在这里,然后过渡工作。

Why is IE not dropping the vendor-prefixed value as an invalid property value?为什么 IE 没有将供应商前缀值作为无效的属性值删除? Incidentally, if I do something similar on Chrome--put, say, -ms-transition after -webkit-transition --it drops it as it should, and uses only the -webkit-transition declaration.顺便说一句,如果我在 Chrome 上做类似的事情——比如,在-webkit-transition之后放置-ms-transition -webkit-transition ——它会按原样删除它,并且只使用-webkit-transition声明。 It seems to only be on IE that this is a problem.似乎只有在 IE 上,这是一个问题。

I just did some more research on this, and it's looking more like a Chrome bug than something about IE.我只是对此进行了更多研究,它看起来更像是 Chrome 错误而不是 IE。

Here's what the spec says about unrecognized and non-animatable properties in transition-property :以下是规范中关于transition-property无法识别和不可动画transition-property

If one of the identifiers listed is not a recognized property name or is not an animatable property, the implementation must still start transitions on the animatable properties in the list using the duration, delay, and timing function at their respective indices in the lists for 'transition-duration', 'transition-delay', and 'transition-timing-function'.如果列出的标识符之一不是可识别的属性名称或不是可动画的属性,则实现仍必须在列表中的相应索引处使用持续时间、延迟和计时函数在列表中的可动画属性上开始转换,以便 '过渡持续时间”、“过渡延迟”和“过渡时间函数”。 In other words, unrecognized or non-animatable properties must be kept in the list to preserve the matching of indices.换句话说,无法识别或不可动画的属性必须保留在列表中以保留索引的匹配。

The spec does not seem to account for cases when none of the properties specified are supported or animatable, not even in the sections following the transition propdefs.该规范似乎没有考虑到指定的属性都不受支持或可动画的情况,甚至在转换 propdefs 之后的部分也不例外。 It looks like IE is treating the declaration as valid, albeit with no supported properties to be transitioned, thereby overriding the previous declaration, and effectively making the declaration equivalent to transition-property: none (ie the result is similar, but as you have observed the value does not actually compute to none ).看起来 IE 将声明视为有效,尽管没有要转换的受支持属性,从而覆盖先前的声明,并有效地使声明等效于transition-property: none (即结果相似,但正如您所观察到的该值实际上并未计算为none )。

Firefox appears to behave the same way that IE does, treating the declaration as equivalent to transition-property: none . Firefox 的行为方式似乎与 IE 相同,将声明视为等价于transition-property: none

Furthermore, if you put the unprefixed and prefixed transform property names in the same declaration, IE and Firefox will animate the transform just fine (order doesn't matter):此外,如果您将无前缀和带前缀的transform属性名称放在同一个声明中,IE 和 Firefox 将很好地为转换设置动画(顺序无关紧要):

transition: -webkit-transform 1s, transform 1s;

However, if you place any other properties that you would expect to work together with the unrecognized property that causes Chrome to drop the declaration... it still drops that declaration.但是,如果您将希望与导致 Chrome 删除声明的无法识别的属性一起使用的任何其他属性放置...它仍然会删除该声明。 Yes, where IE and Firefox apply the transition correctly in the above declaration, Chrome ignores it entirely .是的,IE 和 Firefox 在上面的声明中正确应用了转换, Chrome 完全忽略了它

It seems to only have this problem with unknown property names, though.不过,它似乎只有未知属性名称的问题。 For example, if you specify a property that is supported but not animatable, such as background-image :例如,如果您指定一个受支持但不可设置动画的属性,例如background-image

transition: -webkit-transform 1s, background-image 1s;

Chrome is able to animate the transform just fine. Chrome 能够很好地为转换设置动画。

With all that said, I'm still not entirely sure if the spec is ambiguous, or the behavior shown in IE and Firefox is in fact correct.尽管如此,我仍然不能完全确定规范是否含糊不清,或者 IE 和 Firefox 中显示的行为实际上是否正确。 Sounds like it could use a bit of clarification either way, so I've gone ahead andemailed the CSSWG about this.听起来无论哪种方式都可以进行一些澄清,所以我已经继续向 CSSWG发送了有关此事的电子邮件

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