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[英]Redirect stderr and stdout to separate files in Bash?

I am able to redirect stdout and stderr to separate files using: 我可以使用以下命令将stdoutstderr重定向到单独的文件:

dir >> out 2>> error

or stderror and stdout together to a single file using: 使用以下stderrorstdout合并为一个文件:

dir >> consolidate 2>&1

How can I do this together (get out, error, consolidate files at a time)? 我怎么能一起做这个(出去,错误,一次合并文件)?

You can try something like: 您可以尝试以下方式:

(command > >(tee out.txt) 2> >(tee error.txt >&2)) &> consol.txt

Test: 测试:

$ ls

$ ls g*
ls: cannot access g*: No such file or directory

$ (ls g f > >(tee out.txt) 2> >(tee error.txt >&2)) &> consol.txt

$ cat out.txt

$ cat error.txt
ls: cannot access g: No such file or directory

$ cat consol.txt
ls: cannot access g: No such file or directory


{ { dir | tee -a out; } 2>&1 >&3 | tee -a error; } >> consolidate 3>&1

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